1 European Environment Agency EEA
2 The EEA's Mission... is to deliver timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information to policy-makers and the public for the development and implementation of sound environmental policies in the European Union and other EEA member countries. Domingo Jiménez-Beltrán Executive Director, EEA
3 EU 15 member states + Iceland Liechtenstein Norway EEA candidate countries Stability Pact countries TACIS EEA member countries
4 EIONET Zones Core Extranet 33 sites with servers EEA NFP ETC NFP Phare NRC ETC Partners EU Institutions Full EIONET 600 nodes with username access Phare Topic Links International institutions R&D projects Special Interest Networks EnviroWindows and corporate portals NGOs Public Scientists Media Public www-services and news broadcasting Public
5 EIONET DG Environment unit EEA project managers National Reference Centres ETC partners
6 International organisations 1 partner Lead organisations National organisations European Topic Centre on Water (ETC/WTR)
8 ENVISION – The Agencys three instrumental pillars REFERENCE CENTRE D P S I R Information Monitoring Data Assessment Reporting NETWORKING Timely and targeted information to support policy action
9 From BAI to BNI Best Available Information Current env/econ information system in Europe Best Needed Information
10 Planned indicator reports Water Indicator Report, 2002 Environmental Signals 2002 (Spring Council) Kiev report, 2003 Sectoral reports (TERM-AC, 2002 and EERM, 2002) European State and Outlook report, 2004 Indicator fact sheets on the web
11 Environmental Information Pyramid
12 The DPSIR framework Responses State Drivers Pressures Impact e.g. Clean Production, Public Transport, Regulations, taxes Information, etc. e.g. Ill health, Biodiversity loss, Economic damage e.g. Transport and Industry e.g. Polluting Emissions e.g. Air, Water, Soil quality
13 A Typology of Eco-Indicators: TYPE A: What is happening? e.g.. vehicle kilometres driven, SO2-emissions, water quality in lakes, environmental expenditures for air pollution abatement. (Descriptive Indicators) TYPE B: Does it matter? Indicators linked with some kind of reference value: like the critical load or carrying capacity concept, health standards, or policy targets. (Performance Indicators) TYPE C: Are we improving? The eco-efficiency of production and consumption processes. e.g.. energy use per unit of GDP; emissions/vehicle km; kg building waste/family house); water use/litre beer. (Eco-efficiency Indicators) TYPE D: Are we on the whole better off? Environmental sustainability. e.g.. Green GDP, or ISEW etc. (Total Welfare Indicators)
14 A performance indicator Emissions of ozone precursors, EU15 target
15 Indicator architecture Spring council indicators sectoral headline indicators env. issue indicatorssectoral indicators env. issue headline indicators structural indicators
16 The 'three corridors model' to follow progress in sustainable development Strategy for Sustainable Development (Gothenburg Summit June 2001 to RIO+10 June 2002) Structural Indicators Lisbon agenda (socio- economic policies) ('Synthesis report' to Stockholm summit, March 2001) Sectoral integration ind. Sectoral strategies & action programmes (Economic councils for Gothenburg Summit June 2001) Issue indicators Environmental action plan (Env council, 6EAP for Gothenburg 2001 and specific development plans) Integrated Monitoring and reporting
17 Current situation: Overlapping data flows Eurostat ECEEAOECDUNEP The Public and Decision-Makers ETC DG NFP and other National AuthoritiesNRC Other DG
18 Target situation: Streamlined data flows EurostatECEEAOECDUNEP The Public and Decision-Makers ETC DG Other NFP and other National AuthoritiesNRC REPORTNET
19 Data Flows in EIONET National Layer EEA Warehouse European Layer Information Retrieval System Data access and visualisation E2RC Reports and Reference Centre Concept
20 Organisation through Interest Groups On each of the 33 servers across Europe
21 CIRCLE Library Service
22 Main European Water Policies Water Framework Directive (WFD) Nitrate Directive Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWD) Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive (IPPC) Common Fisheries Policy Integrated Coastal Zone Management Strategy (ICZM), Marine Conventions (AMAP, BSEP, HELCOM, OSPAR, UNEP/MAP)
23 Core set of water indicators Previous approach: Data from Marine Conventions Data from other international organisations Data from NRCs => MARINEBASE New approach: Extension of EUROWATERNET to transitional, coastal and marine waters (more systematic, annual update, stronger role of NRCs, continous involvement of Marine Conventions)
24 Change in average winter phosphate concentration in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea in the period
25 Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) MoU with OSPAR Signed 2 March 1998 MoU with HELCOM Signed 26 October 1998 Joint work plan agreed on 29 November 1999 MoU with UNEP/MAP Not signed yet, draft joint work plan available MoU with ICES First meeting on MoU on 19 May 2000 MoU with BSEP Plans for meeting on joint work plan in spring 2002 No MoU with AMAP planned
26 Inter-Regional Forum (IRF) Objective – To facilitate the exchange and possible integration of existing data and information produced by international marine organisations and EEA –To improve working relations and task sharing Participants –AMAP, BSEP, DG ENV., EEA and ETCs, EuroGOOS, HELCOM, ICES, JRC, OSPAR, UNEP/MAP Meetings –1996 in Rome, 1997 in Rome, 1999 in Venice Major activities –Dataflow, indicators, GIS
27 Access by EEA to national data reported to Marine Conventions Member countryHELCOMOSPARUNEP/MAPBSEP Denmarkyes Estoniayes Finland? Germanyyes Latviayes Lithuania? Poland? Swedenyes Belgium? Franceyes? Irelandyes Iceland? Luxembourgyes The Netherlands?
28 Access by EEA to national data reported to Marine Conventions Member countryHELCOMOSPARUNEP/MAPBSEP Norwayyes Portugal? Spain?? Switzerland? United Kingdomyes Italy? Greeceyes Albania? CroatiaNot requested yet Bosnia Herzegovinayes Sloveniayes F.Y.R.Macedonia? Romania? Bulgaria?
30 National Layer: EEA and Phare Countries EEA Data Warehouse GLREQ European Layer: Waterbase modules WWW Waterbase Demonstrator Data Flows in Eurowaternet
31 Waterbase Reference data base National Layer: EEA and Phare Countries EEA Warehouse GLR European Layer: Waterbase modules EQ Waterbase E Q G L R WWW