Agenda Welcome Walsall Works Update Process The future Travel Scheme for Apprentices Job brokerage service Other Training Provision EU Strategy Update AOB Close
Walsall Works Outcomes 455 young people have started their Apprenticeship through Walsall Works 397 young people have now started the Pre- Apprenticeship programme 567 young people have been supported into other outcomes
Walsall Works Claims & Monitoring Make claims as close to the trigger dates as possible Ensure that claims are complete so that payments are not delayed Let us know about early leavers ASAP and complete a leavers form Monitoring calls and Sustainability checks are being undertaken
Walsall Works Grant limits To ensure the grant is able to support as many companies as possible, an annual financial limit will be enacted Each employer is able to claim for a total of £30,000 in grants per year. The limits will count from now and there still will be considerations based on company size so providers should contact WW to check prior to applying
New Hourly Rates From now there will be a change to the required hourly rates for the Walsall Works grant. 16 & 17 year olds to be paid £3.79 ph (£3,000 grant) 18 to 20 year olds to be paid £5.13 ph (£4,500 grant) 21 to 24 year olds to be paid £6.50 ph (£6,000 grant)
NAS Data – Apprenticeship Starts WalsallBlack Country Intermediate Starts1,6357,302 Advanced Starts7163,295 Higher Starts81378 Total Apprenticeship Starts2,43210,975
NAS Data – Age and Gender AgeWalsallBlack Country < , , ,191 TOTAL2,43210,975 Walsall53.8% Black Country54.2% Walsall46.2% Black Country45.8%
NAS Data – Top Framework Starts FrameworkStarts Health & Social Care392 Business Administration242 Customer Service210 Management208 Improving Operational Performance139 Children and Young Peoples Workforce112 Retail111 Warehousing and Storage81 Hospitality73 Construction67
Travel scheme for Apprentices The full cost for a Black Country monthly card is £45 per month. Participating employers and training providers contribute 20% to the cost of a travel pass (£9.00 per month) 10% contribution made by National Express (£4.50 per month) Cost for the young person is £31.50 per month Which is a 30% discount for annual travel passes if paid by monthly direct debit Travel passes for interviews and to work are available via WorkWise for unemployed (non-work programme) customers.
Jobs Brokerage Service Pilot scheme designed to match vacancies from local employers and developments with growing caseload of Walsall residents. Range of vacancies have included roles such as H&SC, Admin, Sales and Construction. At various levels but mainly entry level Employers also making commitments to provide work placements which can tie in with Traineeships / Pre-apps
Other Training Provision What additional support are you providing? Are there any courses that you are offering to JSA customers or ESA customers? What are the referrals pathways? Start dates How can we support you?
BC European Investment Strategy Current status Estimated Timeline Next Steps
Implementation Plans The Black Country LEP submitted first stage implementation plans in September These outlined: Both ERDF and ESF Project Priorities Outputs / Outcomes Spend Profiles Planned Opt-in arrangements Governance Proposals
ESF Programme Themes Employment, Skills, Social Inclusion Employment Promoting employment & supporting labour mobility Skills Investing in education, skills & life-long learning Social Inclusion Active inclusion with a view to improving employability
Key National Updates The Partnership Agreement for delivery of the new programme has been agreed with the UK Government and the EU Commission The Department for Work and Pensions will now lead on ESF, including YEI The Department for Communities and Local Government will lead on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Key National Updates The National Operational Programme is currently being negotiated with the Commission. Sign off due early 2015 which will kick off programme starts Negotiations include moving planned spend from 2014 into 2015 (for YEI, this will change programme end date to 2018, from the current planned 2017 date)
Start Date We are currently negotiating our Opt-in agreements with Big Lottery and SFA, including the designing of procurement specifications, based upon the priorities identified in the Black Country ESIF strategy. Calls are unlikely to be released until June 2015, due to the delays in agreeing Operational Programmes, although UK Government is pushing for an earlier start.
Start Date All ESF activity will be released through Open Calls through BIG Lottery and SFA. Providers should ensure that they are a registered provider on the SFA Bravo solutions site to be able to receive notifications on all SFA related calls.
Match Funding Opt-In priorities for calls Skills Funding Agency Skills for the unemployed Workforce Skills Community Grants Transformational sectors employer support Extended National Careers Service
Match Funding Opt-In priorities for calls BIG Digital and Financial Inclusion Families with multiple needs Community and neighbourhood infrastructure 25+ Skills for the unemployed
Any Other Business
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