The system of early identification of skill needs in Germany


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Presentation transcript:

The system of early identification of skill needs in Germany National systems of early identification of skill needs in continental Europe The system of early identification of skill needs in Germany Volker Scharlowsky Confederation of German Trade Unions (DGB) "Systems, institutional frameworks and processes for early identification of skill needs" International conference, 25th-26th November 2004, Dublin, Ireland Folie 1: Begrüßung

Germany’s Dual VET System Completed (vocational) qualification Job University for applied sciences University Further education and training Completed (vocational) qualification School vocational training (full-time) „Dual System“ training in companies and vocational schools upper secondary school 3 1/2 year specialized vocational school 3 year 2 year Training occupations basic vocational training year basic vocational training year pre-vocational training year intermediate secondary school lower secondary school primary school SkillsNet Conference, Dublin DGB Volker Scharlowsky

Partners and users of FreQueNz Social Partners Politics Enterprises Employees, other interested persons Research, Science Education organisations, Educational economy Associations Employment administration FreQueNz compiles research findings and makes them available to different user groups. Sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research SkillsNet Conference, Dublin DGB Volker Scharlowsky

German early identification activities BMBF - Early identification initiative - FreQueNz (early identification network) - Arbeitsmarktradar (future-oriented labour market monitoring) BiBB (German Federal Institute for Vocational Training) BLK (Bund-Länder Commission for Educational Planning and Research Promotion) Länder activities - labour market monitoring - studies on skill needs - .... Selective investigations of other actors SkillsNet Conference, Dublin DGB Volker Scharlowsky

Activities of trade unions Collective agreements Works and staff council activities Continual monitoring by expert departments of trade unions Working groups in relation with the renewal of initial and further training regulations Selected projects: - CIWES - Kompass - Agentur Q SkillsNet Conference, Dublin DGB Volker Scharlowsky

LeA – Life and Work Qualification and Counselling in Dialogue Transfer of results in the pilot project „Training Coach“ Early identification of qualification needs in knowledge-intensive fields Development of strategies for the acquisition of competences and qualifications Test of the concept on qualification and counselling in the pilot project „Training Coach“: as an autonomous qualification profile as an adult education profile as an additional qualification for works and staff councils Identify new qualifications in knowledge-intensive fields Develop a concept on qualification and counselling: „Training Coach“ Sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research SkillsNet Conference, Dublin DGB Volker Scharlowsky

Benefits / weaknesses / needs for action Provision of current data / trends and developments are pointed out Problems and needs for action are identified Long-term forecasts: problem of reliability The decision of employers remain untouched / decisions are taken at other levels Missing transfer structure > introduction of occupational expert groups, bringing together all actors and experts of sector associations (promoters) Lack of coordination with other policies innovation policy labour market policy economic policy SkillsNet Conference, Dublin DGB Volker Scharlowsky