1 Information meeting Communications Activities in the framework of the MEDA regional Information & Communication Programme targeting Youth in the Mediterranean region EuropeAid/121525/C/SV/Multi
2 Documents implementing the Financial Regulation Rules and Procedures applicable to service, supply and works contracts financed by the General budget of the European Communities in the course of Cooperation with third countries Practical Guide to EC external aid contract procedures (PRAG)
3 EuropeAid web site
12 Essential rules All the public contracts funded by the Commission have to respect the principles of transparency, of proportionality, of equal treatment and non-discrimination. The rule of the public contracts is the competition of the economic operators.
13 Eligibility criteria contracts funded by MEDA programme are open on equal terms to all natural and legal persons of –the EU Member States (25) –the recipient States of the MEDA programme (10 Meda countries)
14 –why excluding an applicant/tenderer? section of PRAG a) bankruptcy or similar situation b) convicted for offence in their professional conduct c) proven grave professional misconduct d) not paid social security contributions or taxes e) judgement for fraud, corruption, illegal activities f) breach of contract financed by EC funds Grounds for exclusion from contracts evidences to be supplied before signature of contract
15 Attempt to obtain confidential information, to influence committee decision Misrepresentation in supplying the information required + ethical grounds incl. impartiality/human rights/conflict of interest (section I.7 of Rules and procedures for contracts financed from the EC general Budget in the context of external actions) Grounds for exclusion from contracts - why excluding from award?
16 to conclude More information about yours contractual conditions: Q & A