Prajwal K. Gautam, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Dr. Ganesh K. Venayagamoorthy, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering Dr. Keith A. Corzine, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering Extensive modeling of energy storage system (ESS), three-phase photovoltaic system and single-phase wind generation. Design ESS to compensate single phase wind generation. Develop adaptive critic design (ACD) based intelligent load management in a micro-grid. Project Objectives Inverter control maintains positive sequence voltage at a fixed level in q axis and all other components controlled at zero. Positive and negative sequence currents are supplied by energy storage system to compensate single phase wind. Results Energy storage system has been designed utilizing a multiple reference frame control to compensate for the single-phase generation by injecting unbalanced currents into the micro-grid. Simulation of the micro grid system is carried out Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS/RSCAD). Energy storage system with negative sequence current control has been presented for regulation of the micro grid voltage and compensation of the various source types. Simulation results demonstrate effectiveness of control when solar and wind sources are connected to the grid and during steady-state. Conclusion Implement intelligent load management controller in the micro grid. Tune PI gains of power converters on extensive models using intelligent methods. Step ahead prediction of solar & wind generation, critical and non- critical load and battery SOC. Future Works Acknowledgements: Intelligent Systems Centre, Missouri University of Science and Technology National Science Foundation under the grant Neuroscience and Neutral Networks for Engineering the Future Intelligent Power Grid, NSF/EFRI COPN # Department of Education under the grant Advanced Computational Techniques and Real-Time Simulation Studies for the Next Generation Energy System, GAANN #P200A Using Adaptive Dynamic Programming approach, the intelligent energy dispatch controller ensures Supply power to critical loads all the time Sustain SOC of battery at required level based on predicted power If above conditions are satisfied, maximize power supply to non-critical loads Block diagram for a ACD based energy dispatch controller Integration of hybrid three-phase solar and single- phase wind turbine supply power to a three-phase grid independent micro-grid system resulting into an unbalanced set of currents. A battery inverter system is used as power conditioning system to compensate single-phase generation. Traditional priority based load management controller is highly inefficient as energy is dispatched to entire critical and non critical loads without assigning priority to loads based on available power. ACD based energy dispatch controller prioritize between critical loads, state of charge of battery and non critical load such that energy dispatch is maximized. Background Approach Positive sequence q axix voltage maintained at all times Positive & negative sequence currents supplied by ESS ESS+Solar+Wind ESS+SolarESS ESS+Solar+Wind ESS+Solar ESS Active & reactive power flow with solar, wind, ESS and 5.6 kW load with micro-grid system (pf= 0.8) Control Method for Energy Storage System Instantaneous Current & Power Equations for Energy Storage