GA and NextGen How technologies like WAAS and ADS-B will change your flying! Presented By Claire Kultgen.


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Presentation transcript:

GA and NextGen How technologies like WAAS and ADS-B will change your flying! Presented By Claire Kultgen

Overview 1.TIS 2.ADS-B FIS-B TIS-B ADS-R 3.WAAS 4.T-Routes and GPS MEAs Questions Chat Pilot Information Center 1800-USA-AOPA

Who’s Here Current Age A B C D.55+

Who’s Here Certificates and Ratings (highest held) A. None (Yet!) B. Private C. Instrument D. Commercial or ATP

Why Are You Here A.I just want to learn more B.I work in the industry (not as a pilot) C.I’m a professional pilot and want to know how this affects my career D.I’m trying to plan for future expenses for my plane E.Other

Funding and Resource Allocation Slow and Systematic Transition LORAN, NDBs, VORs –It’s OKAY Systematic –Recently the FAA proposed to cut 154 approaches –AOPA reviewed and sent notices to local pilots. All 22 approaches AOPA opposed will be retained.

TIS……..NowGen 1st generation traffic Radars “Uplink” traffic to Mode S transponders 10,000+ Mode S transponders sold Aircraft without operating transponders invisible to TIS Only works in radar coverage NOT to be confused with TIS-B

Terminal Radar Upgrades ASR 7, ASR 8 –Older radar systems –Support TIS –AOPA has a good report on TIS ASR 11 –New radar systems –Do NOT support TIS Because FAA chose not to purchase needed software components

TIS sites proposed to remain active Proposed TIS sites to be decommissioned* TIS Capable Radar Sites

Transponder Info TIS In Action

A Mode S Transponder!!! I’ll send some traffic information up! TIS In Action Traffic Info

Garmin 430 Display

TIS FAQ Should I invest in TIS? –“ Since the vast majority of TIS sites are not scheduled for decommissioning at this time, TIS capable Mode S transponders still offer a valuable, low cost safety service. If you fly through over 100 areas that continue to offer TIS, a Mode S transponder will increase your traffic awareness in busy terminal areas.” ~

TIS Questions

ADS-B Basics ADS-B is the FUTURE Crucial component of NextGen WILL replace radar Tested in Alaska Capstone, Ohio Safe Flight 21 Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast

ADS-B Benefits Air-to-air surveillance More accurate Faster update rate (every second) Reduced infrastructure costs Enhanced Coverage –Gulf of Mexico Enhances SA and safety More…

ADS-B Out Transmission of position, altitude, etc. “Squits” 2x second GPS based position, velocity, ID, etc This is what will be required!

ADS-B Out In Action GBT (Ground Based Transceiver)

ADS-B In = The Good Stuff Weather and Traffic –No Subscription!

ADS-B Components Aircraft squitting = ADS-B out –Aircraft standards - Fall 2009 Ground Based Transceivers –ITT Contract –On target, on budget –2013 fully deployed

“Dual”ing Datalinks 1090 ES AirTransport/Above 180 Global Bandwidth Issues TIS-B UAT GA / Below FL180 US More Robust TIS-B FIS-B Opposite datalink’s can’t talk to each other!

FIS-B Flight Information Services Broadcast NexRad Radar Current Conditions Terminal Forecasts Significant Weather Advisories Flight Restrictions (TFRs) Special Activity Airspace Status –MOAs, Restricted Areas, etc.

TIS-B Uplink of Non ADS-B Traffic (transponders) From GBTs to Aircraft Rebroadcast of Radar Data TRANSITIONAL NOT to be confused with TIS

TIS-B In Action GBT (Ground Based Transceiver) Transponder Info

TIS vs. TIS-B TIS Uplink of transponder/ radar traffic Radar to transponder Only works in areas covered by radar with TIS capability TIS-B Uplink of transponder/ radar traffic GBT to ADS-B In Receiver Works in areas of radar coverage and/or GBT coverage

TIS-B outside of Radar *FAA Proposal doesn’t provide for this GBT TIS-B Transponder Info Radar Coverage

ADS-R To Address to Dual Datalink Issues 1090 ES UAT

1090 ES UAT ADS-R GBT (Ground Based Transceiver)

ADS-R GBT (Ground Based Transceiver) ADS-R Rebroadcast!!!

The Proposal FAA Proposal in 2007 ADS-B Out Required: –Class A, B, C –Above 10,000 –Today’s Transponder Airspace –January 1, 2020 AOPA submitted extensive comments Committees, Committees, Committees Final Rule – Expected Spring 2010

AOPA’s Position Basics Supported transition to satellite navigation for 20+ years AOPA Concerns 1.Tangible benefits needed….but hard to identify with current proposal 2.Moves some ATC costs to aircraft - Paid for by pilots 3.Concerns with dual datalink 4.Affordability

More Questions than Answers No black and white answer right now Several avionics manufactures working on exciting products Stay tuned to what’s on the market Stay tuned to AOPA Pilot magazine and other resources GPS needed, but may be integrated in ADS-B out transceiver

Current Expansion

Future Coverage ~2013

The Sunshine-B State

Status GOMEX December 2009 –ATC service in an area never before served –Now available in Louisville and Philly, Juneau coming soon –2013- available nationwide to those equipped

Learn More

ADS-B Questions

What is WAAS? Wide Area Augmentation System Fixes traditional GPS by augmenting signals –Enhances accuracy and integrity Introduced in 2003 More than just lower mins!

WAAS Architecture 38 Reference Stations 3 Master Stations 4 Ground Earth Stations 2 Geostationary Satellite Links 2 Operational Control Centers

Please Remember! Nothing on the ground is communicating directly to your aircraft!

Accuracy Specification –7.6 m x 7.6 m or better 95% of the time –Category I like precision Measured –.9 m x 1.3 m

Integrity Improved ability to warn pilots of bad signals 1x10 -7 chance errors will go undetected –Better than RAIM –6 seconds to: Fix itself Warn you

WAAS System Benefits Highly accurate North American coverage Extremely easy to use –Loading the approach is the hard part –Missed loads automatically Limited infrastructure 40,000+ equipped Nothing on-airport needed Precision approach possible at any airport –LPV’s now outnumber ILS’ –LPV costs $50k v. ILS up to $1 million –2,037 as of April 8, 2010 –More alternate options

With WAAS You Can Skip the baro correction Fly an LPV, LP Rely on GPS for ALL phases of flight

The Name Game RNAV VOR/DME, DME/DME, INS, IRS and GPS GNSS GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Beidou PBN RNAV RNP *RNP has on board performance monitoring and alerting WAAS approaches –Pick your mins LNAV LNAV+V LNAV/VNAV LPV LP

LNAV Basic GPS approach MDA 400’ above runway Same as an GPS approach No WAAS needed

LNAV+V Cool stuff from Garmin  won’t see it on a chart “Advisory glideslope” Really just an LNAV NOT an LNAV/VNAV or LPV MDA 400’ above runway Provides guidance for a stabilized approach

LNAV / VNAV Not a WAAS Approach DA 350’ above runway Can fly with WAAS Really for other types of RNAV –Baro V-Nav –RNP

LPV The good stuff! WAAS Only 200’

LP Will be charted as….. RNAV (GPS) LP Coming soon! WAAS only No vertical nav MDA ~300’ –The protected area for LP approaches is considerably smaller than an LNAV= lower MDA

How Low Can You Go? GPS400’ LNAV400’ LNAV+V400’ LNAV/VNAV350’ LPV200’ LP (coming soon) 300’ {

Where’s my LPV? Instrument Flight Procedures Production Plan TPP out to 04/05/2012 FAA goal 300/year How to get an LPV –AOPA Report – “Establishing an Instrument Approach” –Airport Manager

Additional Resources Manufacturer Great info in the equipment manuals –(Long, but a MUST read!) Your high tech airplane only makes you safer if you know how to use it. Unfortunately, statistically, many don’t yet know how.

Other GPS Goodies Q&T routes GPS MEAs – now 90+

Questions Pilot Information Center USA-AOPA Feedback Welcome!