1 MONTHLY REPORT October, 2010 October, 2010 Planning Division Howard Wang 29 Oct. 2010
2 Market information updated Analysis of Product Sales Statistics of Sales promotion The Reward Incentive for Collectors Progress of New Product Engaged Project This Month
3 Market News In the first three quarters, its new premium turnover reached nearly VND 230 billion (US$ 11.5 million), up 51 per cent over the same period last year, with the highest position among foreign life insurance in Viet Nam. Dai-ichi Life sees premiums rise 51%
4 Market News Italy’s largest insurer Generali has won permission on Oct. 20,2010 to open a life insurance company in Vietnam as part of its emerging country expansion. The Vietnam company, based in Ho Chi Minh City, will be operational with six months and is fully owned by Generali. Insurer Generali sets up life company in Vietnam
5 Market News Last year, life-insurance firms signs 135,223 investment-linked contracts, an increase of 116% compared with Total revenue from this type of insurance was worth VND trillion (US$582.5 million), accounting for 9.6% of the total revenue and an increase of 5.1% in comparison with Last year, life-insurance firms signs 135,223 investment-linked contracts, an increase of 116% compared with Total revenue from this type of insurance was worth VND trillion (US$582.5 million), accounting for 9.6% of the total revenue and an increase of 5.1% in comparison with Insurance proves lucrative for investors
6 Market information updated Analysis of Product Sales Statistics of Sales promotion The Reward Incentive for Collectors Progress of New Product Engaged Project This Month
7 Analysis of Product Sales Average premium 6.0M in Oct is same as it in Sept NOP and Premium by Month Source : main data
8 Analysis of Product Sales % of payment mode % of company’s annual payment is 82.5% Annual Others
9 Analysis of Product Sales % of annual payment HCM HN DNa CT DN Advantage : 1.Pay lower premium 2.Get first year commission one time 3.Easily maintain policy Advantage : 1.Pay lower premium 2.Get first year commission one time 3.Easily maintain policy
10 Analysis of Product Sales % of no. policy attached rider % of company’s policy attached rider is 43.2%
11 Analysis of Product Sales % of policy attached rider HCM HN DNa CT DN Advantage : 1.Have more complete protection 2.Increase commission and PFYP Advantage : 1.Have more complete protection 2.Increase commission and PFYP
12 Market information updated Analysis of Product Sales Statistics of Sales promotion The Reward Incentive for Collectors Progress of New Product Engaged Project This Month
13 Statistics of Sales Promotion Period: 07/10/2010~1/12/2010 (11~12 WKM) Participant: Direct Agent who can sell products Requirement: Performance First Premium (PFP) / Per PolicyDraw Chances / Per Policy Group 1:(HCM & HN)Group 2: (Others) 6.0M ≦ PFP < 12.0M4.0M ≦ PFP < 8.0M M ≦ PFP <18.0M8.0M ≦ PFP <12.0M M ≦ PFP <24.0M12.0M ≦ PFP <16.0M M ≦ PFP16.0M ≦ PFP 7
14 Statistics of Sales Promotion Draw Chances / Per Policy Group 1Group 2Total Total of Draw Chances Subtotal Total Policy No. of Policy achieved the requirement Data: from to (11 WKM) 48%
15 Statistics of Sales Promotion Analysis of Payment Mode with Performance First Premium PFPMode0~11~22~33~44~55~6Total Group 1 Monthly Quarterly Semiannual Annual Group 2 Monthly Quarterly Semiannual Annual
16 Statistics of Sales Promotion Conclusion : Group1 : 1.PFP in 5~6M, around 70% policy has attached riders 2.HCM1 and HN2, percentage of annual payment is less than 80% in 11 WKM. Group2 : 1.PFP in 3~4M, only 42% policy has attached riders. 2.DN and CT, percentage of annual payment is less than 80% in 11 WKM. Conclusion : Group1 : 1.PFP in 5~6M, around 70% policy has attached riders 2.HCM1 and HN2, percentage of annual payment is less than 80% in 11 WKM. Group2 : 1.PFP in 3~4M, only 42% policy has attached riders. 2.DN and CT, percentage of annual payment is less than 80% in 11 WKM. Add Rider Annual Payment More Chances
17 Statistics of Sales Promotion Analysis of Payment Mode with Performance First Premium PFPMode0~11~22~33~44~55~6Total Group 1 Monthly Quarterly Semiannual Annual Group 2 Monthly Quarterly Semiannual Annual %
18 Market information updated Analysis of Product Sales Statistics of Sales promotion The Reward Incentive for Collectors Progress of New Product Engaged Project This Month
19 The Reward Incentive for Collectors Encourage Collectors to sell products Purpose Program Period : 2010/12WKM~2011/4WKM Reward : Period : 2010/12WKM~2011/4WKM Reward : PFYP (Million)Reward(% of PFYP) 3.5≤PFYP<52% 5≤PFYP<104% 10≤PFYP<206% 20≤PFYP8%
20 Market information updated Analysis of Product Sales Statistics of Sales promotion The Reward Incentive for Collectors Progress of New Product Engaged Project This Month
21 Progress of New Product Product for Bank Channel Single Payment Insurance Term : 2~15 Years Benefits : 1.Death Benefit 2.Total Permanent & Disability Benefit Not permitted to attach any rider Product for Bank Channel Single Payment Insurance Term : 2~15 Years Benefits : 1.Death Benefit 2.Total Permanent & Disability Benefit Not permitted to attach any rider Cathay Loan Protection (D01)
22 New Product Launch Annual Plan for Next Year Review Agent Compensation System Planning Project Next Month