Response to Europe's skill challenge


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Presentation transcript:

Response to Europe's skill challenge Eleonora Schmid, Cedefop

and support European cooperation in VET Cedefop is the EU’s agency to help develop and implement vocational education and training policies and lifelong learning and support European cooperation in VET What we do: gather information, research, analyse provide evidence and new insights inform, advise support the development of common European tools and principles/approaches encourage debate & mutual learning Who do we work with/support? the European Commission & the European Parliament Member States national and European social partners other partners (Eurostat, sister agencies, OECD, ILO, etc.)

Europe 2020 Smart, sustainable and inclusive growth Poverty/ social exclusion Employment Education and training R&D investment Climate energy ≥ 20 million fewer people 75% of 20-64 year-olds < 10% leaving early ≥ 40% of 30-34 year-olds tertiary education or equivalent 3% of EU’s GDP 20/20/20 Danube region strategy priorities compatible Flexible, adaptable, employable workforce Digital agenda Platform against poverty Agenda for new skills and jobs Youth on the move Innovation Union Ressource efficient Europe Industrial policy for green growth

Growth and uncertainty: sectors Mathematics, science and technology. Tertiary graduates (ISCED 5A,5B and 6) in, EU-27, 2000-2010 (thousands) The tables shows aspects of employment by sector that have grown most strongly relative to the average, and those in decline up to 2020. The vertical axis shows sectors that are likely to grow and decline in relative terms, while the horizontal access groups sectors according to whether there is more or less uncertainty about whether this trend will prevail. The sectors included in the top half of each table are likely to grow, relatively speaking (with more certainty concerning those in the top right box), while those in the bottom half are likely to be in relative decline. The uncertainty reflects sensitivity to the business cycle and external factors such as policy measures (e.g. environment legislation) or external shocks like a steep rise in oil prices. Source: Cedefop forecast 2012

Trend towards higher qualification levels continues …but still high demand for medium level qualifications Source: Cedefop country workbooks (2012)

Expected developments in the Danube region (2020)

Potential impact of green policies on skills 13-16 May 2012

Adjusting to the need for greener jobs Only few countries systematically anticipate/analyse the need for green(ing) skills FR, ES - new initiatives: observatories on green skills UK – Skills funding agency, national strategic skills audit in 25 sectors DK – responsibility of trade committees – employer surveys integrate skills responses in their environmental policies, e.g. DK, FR, ES, UK  Quantitative, top-down methodologies insufficient, need for qualitative data, cooperation with ‘green’ sectors / companies

A comprehensive skills strategy

VET has a crucial role to play Providing a sound basis for young people Provide young people with flexible pathways and high quality training that anticipate and respond to labour market needs (longer-term) standards, curricula, methodology reinforced cooperation with enterprises – work based learning educational leadership and highly-qualified teachers and trainers Develop the right skills mix to allow progression and occupational mobility: key competences + transferable occupational + specialised skills more focus on intrapreneurship/capacity to manage change workplace learning, experience abroad Training tailored to allow all learners develop their strengths (fostering high talent and being inclusive)

Young VET graduates more likely to find a suitable job match Duration of the first job (of over 3 months, 25-29 year olds) But continuing and re-training will be necessary over time Source: Cedefop calculations based on Eurostat, EULFS 2009 Ad Hoc Module. Data: EU27 excluding DE, 2009.

VET has a crucial role to play More focus on broadening and reinforcing adults’ skills: More and varied VET offers for people in different employment statuses also to low skilled, older workers, migrants (support measures, e.g. learning reps) Quick response to short-term labour market needs (e.g. greening skills for traditional jobs) More opportunities to stretch skills at work for all Learning conducive workplace (work organisation, challenging tasks) Flexible routes to skills and competences: Access, progression and qualifications through several routes: less linear approach to learning Flexible learning environments: various modes of delivery, times and methods adjusted to learner needs (individualised learning paths)

European tools and principles Labour market, Further studies Career development Certification for further qualification Validation of learning outcomes Further work experience and learning Formal learning programme Guidance Qualifications, credits, work experience Loukas Zahilas

Common EU tools empower people through focus on learning outcomes Guidance and counselling 14 Loukas Zahilas

European Structural funds An agenda for new skills and jobs Employment package Education and training 2020 Guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States Adult learning agenda Bruges Communiqué Strategic objectives for VET 2011-20 Short-term deliverables Rethinking education Lifelong learning programme Council recommendations, resolutions, conclusions National benchmarks Peer learning Reporting

Data and results ONLINE Look for at

Thank you for your attention More information:

Country B Country A EQF Level 8 EQF Level 7 EQF Level 6 EQF Level 5 NQF/ NQS Q NQF/ NQS 18 Loukas Zahilas

22 October 2012 DGVT Cyprus