Lesson 12-3 Pages Box-and-Whisker Plots 1.Display data in a box-and-whisker plot. 2.Interpret data in a box-and- whisker plot.
What you will learn! 1. How to display data in a box-and-whisker plot. 2. How to interpret data in a box-and-whisker plot.
Box-and-whisker plot
What you really need to know! A box-and-whisker plot divides a set of data into four parts using the median and quartiles. Each of these parts contain 25% of the data.
What you really need to know! Lower Extreme Lower Quartile Upper Extreme Upper Quartile Median
Example 1: The projected number of employees in 2008 in the fastest growing occupation is shown in the table below. Display the data in a box and whisker plot. Fastest-Growing Jobs Occupation Jobs (1000s) Occupation Computer Engineer Desktop Publishing Computer Support Paralegal/Legal Assistant Systems Analyst 1194 Home Health Aide 1179 Database Administrator Medical Assistant
Lower half of dataUpper half of data LQ is Median between 398 and = 1,020 1,020 ÷ 2 = 510 UQ is 1,024
,194 1,
Example 2: The box-and-whisker plot below shows the average percent of sunny days per year for selected cities in each state.
Example 2: What is the smallest percent of sunny days in any state? 23%
Example 2: Half of the selected cities have an average of sunny days under what percent? 56%
Example 2: What does the length of the box in the plot tell us about the data? Since the box is short, the data is clustered together!
Example 3: Evergreen Trees Deciduous Trees The average maximum height, in feet, for selected evergreen and deciduous tress is displayed. How do the heights of evergreen tress compare with the heights of deciduous trees? Most evergreen trees are taller than most deciduous trees.
Page Guided Practice #’s 4-9
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