Game 1: Mr. Happy’s Quest For our original canvas, we had designed a child’s background using simple shapes. For this project, we will add objects that a game player (child) can move around using the arrow keys on the keyboard. In the example, a smiley face has begun to be created
The Draw Function and Mr. Happy size(800,600); var x = 400; var t = 5; var hx = 200; var hy = 200; //draw mr happy noStroke(); fill(255,255,0); ellipse(hx,hy,100,100); stroke(0,0,0); ellipse(hx-20,hy-20,10,10); ellipse(hx+20,hy-20,10,10); //ADD A MOUTH WITH A BLACK ELIPSE AND A RECTANGLE TO ERASE THE TOP HALF OF THE ELLIPSE }
Bouncy Obstacles Example void draw() { background(100,100,100); //bouncy ball designs fill(255,255,255); ellipse(x,150,200,200); fill(0,0,0); ellipse(x,450,200,200); x=x+t; if(x>800) t = -t; if(x<0) t = -t; text("Hello!", 50, 50);
keyPressed() Function Example void keyPressed() { if (keyCode == UP) hy = hy - 20; if (keyCode == DOWN) hy = hy + 20; //ADD LEFT RIGHT }
Take what has been done in project 31 and expand upon it to add a figure, character and/or face that moves around the screen with the keyboard arrow keys. Make certain that the screen: Has moving objects that the character must avoid An aesthetically pleasing background A goal to get to (golden treasure?) And a place to return to (home?)
Guiding the Movements of the Star For the second example, the end user (game player) will use keys to adjust the path of the star. The game will need something for the star to attack, gather, and/or avoid. Use the work done in our previous unit and expand upon the canvas with examples and original designs.
var x = 300; var y = 0; var t = 5; void draw() { background(255,255,255); //top left part of star stroke(255,0,0); line(x,0,300,300); line(x,20,280,300); line(x,40,260,300); line(x,60,240,300);
x=x+t; if(x>600) t = -t; if(x<0) t = -t; } void keyPressed() { if (keyCode == LEFT) x = x - 25; if (keyCode == RIGHT) x = x + 25; //ADD UP AND DOWN }
Implement an improved and fully capable keyPress function that will enable the star to move in all 4 directions based on the game players use of the arrow keys. Add game objects that the player should move the star towards and/or avoid so that there is an eventual obtainable goal for the game player.
Review Guiding the Movements of the Star Code Example Practice 2
The car has already been designed to be drawn with simple shapes and the illusion of movement based on the roadway’s movement in the opposite direction. Our goal for this part of the project will be to enable the car to move around the road in 4 directions and to add objects that can be obtained and/or avoided for points (to be implemented in a later version).
size(300, 800); var keyX = 0; var keyY = 0; var y = 0; var x = 0; var t =.1; void draw(){ background(100,100,100); stroke(255,255,0); strokeWeight(10); line(150,y+0,150,y+50); y = y + 3; if(y>50) y = 0;
//car vrooom noStroke(); fill(0,0,0); rect(keyX+x+20,50,90,200); fill(255,255,255); rect(keyX+x+50,50,30,200); x = x + t; if(x>8) t = -t; if(x<0) t = -t; } void keyPressed() { if (keyCode == LEFT) keyX = keyX - 15; if (keyCode == RIGHT) keyX = keyX + 15; //ADD UP AND DOWN }
Practice 3: 20% Create a keypress function that enables the game player to move the car around the screen in a way that looks realistic. Add moving objects that the car can obtain and objects that the car must avoid to create a game.
Car Game Example Code Practice 3: 20%
Making the Plane Fly (WITH LASERS!) In the previous project animations were created that enabled an object to appear to fly across the screen. In this section, the animation will be expanded upon to have the keyboard move the plane. The plane will also have a LASER that is fired with the spacebar.
size(800,600); var keyY = 0; var laserOn = false; var laserTimeOut = 20; var timeCount = 0; tx = 400; x = 0; void draw(){ background(0,255,255); //tree noStroke(); fill(150,75,0); rect(tx-10,500,25,200); fill(0,255,0); ellipse(tx,475,150,100); tx = tx - 10; if (tx < 0) tx = 1200; //cloud noStroke(); fill(255,255,255); ellipse(tx-250,90,166,127); //jet strokeWeight(5); noStroke(); fill(255,0,0); //LASERS!!!!! stroke(255,0,0);
if(laserOn) { line(x+300,300+keyY, x ,300+keyY); timeCount++; if (timeCount > laserTimeOut) { timeCount =0; laserOn = false; } x= x+3; if (x>800) x = -200; } void keyPressed() { if (keyCode == UP) keyY = keyY - 15; if (keyCode == DOWN) keyY = keyY + 15; if (keyCode == LEFT) laserOn = true; if (keyCode == 32) laserOn = true; //ADD UP AND DOWN }
Practice 4: 20% The airplane should look like it is really flying. It should be controllable in all 4 directions. The airplane should have a functional and aesthetically pleasing weapon (the laser). Objects should move around the screen that can either help the plane or provide something for the plane to shoot at.
Making the Plane Fly WITH LASERS! Example Code Practice 4: 20%
Improving Canvas 1 Make certain that the canvas has something to get, a place to take it and a nice design of the avatar (thing the player moves). The canvas should have items moving around that are both good for the avatar and bad for the avatar such as treasure and slime. Choose your own ideas and make it into an original looking game.
The star has to be part of a game that can enable the user to interact in a meaningful way. Make the star bigger or smaller. Make more than one star. There should be objects for the game player to obtain and/or avoid.
Improving Canvas 3 The car game has a lot of room for improvement. The car its self can be more realistic. More drawings can accompany the side of the road to move by quickly and more drawings can be on the road. The car will need moving objects to obtain and avoid such as other cars and “power ups.”
The aircraft its self can be made to look more modern, sleek or realistic. The items in the sky and ground can become more varied and more detailed. The aircraft has a laser: give it something to shoot at! Objects to avoid and/or shoot and/or obtain should be added.
Review Improving Canvas 1 Improving Canvas 2 Improving Canvas 3 Improving Canvas 4
Gabrielle's Fun Games size(800,600); var x = 400; var t = 5; void draw() { background(0,255,255); fill(0,0,0); ellipse(x,450,200,200); x=x+t; if(x>800) t = -t; if(x<0) t = -t; stroke(255,0,0); strokeWeight(5); line(0,0,800,600); stroke(255,255,0); strokeWeight(5); line(800,0,0,600); } size(600, 600); strokeWeight(1); var x = 300; var t = 5; void draw() { background(255,255,255); //top left part of star stroke(255,0,0); line(x,0,300,300); line(x,20,280,300); line(x,40,260,300); line(x,60,240,300); line(x,80,220,300); line(x,100,200,300); line(x,120,180,300); line(x,140,160,300); line(x,160,140,300); line(x,180,120,300); line(x,200,100,300); line(x,220,80,300); line(x,240,60,300); line(x,260,40,300); line(x,280,20,300); line(x,300,0,300); line(x,0,300,300); //top right part of star stroke(255,255,0); line(x,20,320,300); line(x,40,340,300); line(x,60,360,300); line(x,80,380,300); line(x,100,400,300); line(x,120,420,300); line(x,140,440,300); line(x,160,460,300); line(x,180,480,300); line(x,200,500,300); line(x,220,520,300); line(x,240,540,300); line(x,260,560,300); line(x,280,580,300); line(x,300,600,300); x=x+t; if(x>600) t = -t; if(x<0) t = -t; } size(300, 800); var y = 0; var x = 0; var t =.05; void draw(){ background(100,100,100); stroke(255,255,0); strokeWeight(10); line(150,y+0,150,y+50); line(150,y+100,150,y+150); y = y + 3; if(y>80) y = 0; noStroke(); fill(50,50,50); rect(x+15,100,100,30); fill(0,0,0); rect(x+20,50,90,200); fill(255,255,255); rect(x+50,50,30,200); x = x + t; if(x>5) t = -t; if(x<0) t = -t; } size(800,600); tx = 400; x = 0; void draw(){ background(0,255,255); //tree noStroke(); fill(150,75,0); rect(tx-10,500,25,200); fill(0,255,0); ellipse(tx,475,150,100); tx = tx - 10; if (tx < 0) tx = 1200; //cloud noStroke(); fill(255,255,255); ellipse(tx-250,90,166,127); ellipse(tx-150,100,95,77); ellipse(tx-350,100,95,77); ellipse(tx-350,90,166,127); ellipse(tx-275,100,95,77); ellipse(tx-450,100,95,77); //jet noStroke(); fill(255,0,0); triangle(x+100,100,x+100,300,x+300,200); fill(150,75,0); triangle(x+200,100,x+200,300,x+400,200); fill(255,192,203); triangle(x+300,100,x+300,300,x+500,200); x= x+3; if (x>800) x = -300; } AAAAAAAA