Methodology of morbidity study (general, with the temporal disability)


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Presentation transcript:

Methodology of morbidity study (general, with the temporal disability)

Morbidity of population is a collapsible concept that includes values, which are characterizing the level of different diseases and their structure among all population or its separate groups on the given territory.

Exceeding of morbidity epidemic thresholds for overall population grey - No data ; green- less 20%; orange- 20%; red- 49%

The main methods for studying the morbidity are those one, which foresee the use of such given: - appeals for medical help in medical establishments; - medical examinations of separate groups of population; - about the reasons of death; - questioning of population; - special selective researches.

Comparative description of basic methods of studying the population morbidity Name of method Advantages of methodDisadvantages of method 1. Method of registration availability for all layers of population; aninterrapting and dynamics of supervision the state the health of population; effectiveness of diseases account; most complete account of acute diseases; possibility of selection of the diseases first registered during the year; much more economy incomplete account of chronically diseases: incomplete account of initial symptomless stages and forms of diseases; incomplete account of diseases in cases: insufficient availability of medicare, insufficient plenitude of diseases registration and degree of specialization of medicare, bad sanitary culture of population; during service of population in private medical establishments

Comparative description of basic methods of studying the population morbidity Name of method Advantages of method Disadvantages of method 2. Studying of the morbidity according the results of medical examinations  almost a complete account of chronical diseases; “exposure of diseases on initial stages”;  the independence of examinations results from availability of medicare, sanitary culture of population etc. impossibility of account of acute diseases; scope of only separate groups of population: children, young people, workers of some professions; high price

International statistical classification of diseases of the last Tenth revision (ICD-10) was ratified by the forty- third Assembly of WHCO January, 1, In obedience to the decision of the Assembly the document has a new name "International statistical classification of diseases and close problems of health protection", though the comfortable abbreviation ICD is preserved

International classification of diseases of the Tenth revision (ICD-10) IInfectious and vermin diseases IINew formation IIIDiseases of blood and blood producing organs and separate violations with bringing in of immune mechanism IVEndocrine diseases, disorders of feed and metabolic disturbances VDisorders of psyche and behavior VIDiseases of the nervous system VIIDiseases of eye and its additional vehicle VIIIDiseases of ear and papillary sprout IXDiseases of the system of blood circulation XDiseases of breathe organs XIDiseases of digestion organs XIIDiseases of skin and hypodermic cellulose XIIIDiseases of the bone-muscle system and connecting tissue XIVDiseases of the urogenital system XVPregnancy, births and post-natal period XVISeparate conditions which arise up in a perinathal period XVIIBorn defects of development, deformations and chromosomal anomalies ХVIIISymptoms, signs and deviations from the norm, that appear at clinical and laboratory researches, not classified in other headings XIXTraumas, poisonings and some other results from action of external factors

Besides 19 classes of Diseases, two additional headings are included into ICD-10: ХХ External reasons of morbidity and death rate ХХІ Factors which influence the state of population health and appeal to establishments of health protection

Basic sources of information and values, which characterize the separate types of morbidity Methods of study, types of morbidity Basic information sourcesBasic values From data of appeals for medical help General morbidity Statistical coupon for registration of final (specified) diagnoses Coupon of ambulatory patient The general morbidity (prevalence of diseases) Primary morbidity Structure of general and primary morbidity InfectiousUrgent reportLevel and structure of infectious morbidity NonepidemicReport about the important nonepidemic diseases Level and structure of nonepidemic morbidity Hospitalized patientsStatistical card of patient. that left permanent establishment Level and structure of morbidity of the hospitalized patients With the temporal disabilityBulletinNumber of cases of temporal disability (ТD) on 100 workers Number of the calendar days ТD on 100 workers Medium duration of one case ТD From data of medical examinations (aimed, previous) List of persons which are subject to the medical examinations From data about the reasons of deathMedical certificate about death Medical certificate about perynathal death Medical assistant’s certificate about death Values of level and structure of morbidity, that led to death

There are such basic values of general morbidity: — primary morbidity (Іпсіdепсе) - the level of t first registered diseases for a calendar year on this territory; all sharp and first set for a year chronic diseases are taken into account also: — general morbidity, or prevalence of diseases (Рrеvаlепce) – the level of all registered diseases for a calendar year: sharp and chronic (registered at the first appeal in a current year, and exposed both in current and in previous years); — structure primary and general morbidity of population

The method of calculation of the values. Name of valuesMethod of calculation Primary morbidity Amount of diseases which are registered first at current year (all acute + first exposed chronic diseases) х 1000 Average annual quantity of population General morbidity (prevalence of all registered diseases) Amount of all registered during this year diseases (acute + chronic, exposed both in current and in previous years) x 1000 Average annual quantity of population Structure of primary, general morbidity (prevalence) Amount of all diseases of this class, group, nosology form registered for a year (first registered) х 100 Amount of all (first) diseases registered for a year

Every case of disease or suspicion on it is a unit of supervision at the study of infectious morbidity. "Urgent report about the infectious disease, food, acute professional poisoning" (f. № 058/r) is filled at the exposure of them, and it is a basic document for the study of epidemic morbidity.

The following values are used for the analysis of infectious morbidity: frequency of the exposed diseases (correlation of their number to the quantity of population of this territory; values are calculated per 100 thousands of population); seasonality (data about the number of diseases on months are taken as a basis. The indices of seasonal vibrations are correlation of data during month to average annuals);

frequency of hospitalization and plenitude of it embrace (in the first case it is correlation of number of hospitalized persons to the quantity of population, in the second — the correlation of the number of hospitalized persons to the number of exposed diseases in percents); frequency of diseases after age, sex, profession (correlation of diseases number in the each group to the quantity of population of this group): number of exposed bacillus carriers on 1000 inspected persons.

Morbidity on the major nonepidemic diseases Some nonepidemic diseases are the subject of the special account: malignant new formations; psychical diseases; venereal diseases; active tuberculosis; difficult mycosis.

The necessity of the special account of the indicated diseases is conditioned by: the high level of distribution; considerable frequency of death rate at some of them; epidemiology meaningfulness; a social conditionality.

Morbidity with the temporal disability The case of disability is unit of account. The registration document for registration of each case of temporal disability of a worker during the year is a bulletin.

Morbidity of working persons with the temporal disability is analyzed on such basic values: Value of cases of temporal disability on 100 working persons = Absolute number of cases at temporal disability 100 Medium quantity of working persons Value of calendar days temporal disability on 100 working persons = Absolute number of calendar days of temporal disability Medium quantity of working persons Medium duration of case of temporal disability = Number of calendar days of temporal disability Number of cases of temporal disability Value of structure of morbidity with the temporal disability = Number of cases (or calendar days) of disability from this disease · 100 Number of cases (days) of disability at all diseases

A dynamics of the primary morbidity in general prevalence depending on the age Children (0-14 years) – 80 % Working age – 51 % Disabled age – 24 %

Diseases are most widespread at the men and women MansWomen Chronic bronchitis Traumas and poisonings Ulcerous illness of stomach Psychical disorders Illnesses of the peripheral nervous system Тhyrоtoxicosis Diabetes Hypertensive illness Cholecystitis Illnesses of the urinary system Cerebrovascular illness

Thank you!