Airbus Production System Training Pack Training Pack Airbus Production System Module: Autonomation Module: Autonomation Element: Error Proofing Element: Error Proofing
Objectives Target audience : Purpose : Aims and Objectives : Design, Operations, Quality, Manufacturing Engineering, Purpose : To be able to deploy error proofing techniques into a production environment Aims and Objectives : To understand the fundamentals of error proofing Identify areas that require error proofing Understand how to introduce error proofing into a production environment 2 of 29
Agenda Introduction to error proofing Errors and defects Detecting errors Implementing error proofing Manual and automated systems Team work Group exercise Summary 3 of 29
Introduction -What is Error Proofing? Error Proofing is a process improvement that is designed to prevent a specific defect from occurring Error proofing improvement Work (normal) chuck Work (in reverse) Spindle Machine 4 of 29
What is Error Proofing? There are three elements which make up error proofing: Detection — The operator or machine discovers a defect. Feedback — Warning/Halt in machine/process due to a defect. Corrective/Preventive Action—Improvement Team is formed and Problem Solving Process used to take corrective and preventive action. 5 of 29
What is Error Proofing? Welder Lamp Nut Work Buzzer Stop button Lamp Buzzer Work Nut Welder Error Proofing is a process improvement system that prevents……. personal injury & promotes job safety faulty products machine damage defective product from being produced or being passed to the next process 6 of 29
Types of Error Proofing devices Examples of Error Proofing Devices……... Types of Error Proofing devices
Remember 3 rules…. An error proofing system should take into consideration these 3 simple rules : Don’t make a defect Don’t accept a defect Don’t pass on a defect Your Supplier You Your Customer Ideally, design the product so that it can’t be assembled incorrectly!!!
Why do we Need Error Proofing? Enforces operational procedures or sequences Ensures quality at the source instead of quality after the fact. Eliminates choices leading to incorrect actions Ask the audience if they can give examples of each of the bullet points (after exposing each one). 9 of 29
Everyday examples Unleaded Fuel Tank Filler Opening on fuel Tanks Record Prevent Tabs on VHS Videocassettes Kettle cut off switch Ball cock in toilet cistern Spell Check on Computers Cassette loading on hi-fi Split the audience into two teams and ask them to come up with as many examples as possible Start by giving them a prompt such as ‘ignition/headlamp or seat belt warning buzzers Sink Overflow Outlet Phone Cord Plugs 10 of 29
Reduces cost by reducing waste Focus is on continuous improvement What are the benefits? Relieves workers of constant attention to detail & removes barriers caused by repetitive and cumbersome inspection procedures. Reduces cost by reducing waste Workers can focus on their skill rather than on problems that occur due to poor design or memory related procedures Focus is on continuous improvement Act Plan Check Do Prevents personal injury 11 of 29
Error V’s Defects defect EFFECT Effect CAUSES errors A defect is a product that deviates from specification or does not meet customer expectation An error is any deviation from an intended process All defects are created by errors defect errors Compare it to an iceberg…. Effect Man Material Method Machine Environment EFFECT CAUSES To enhance the understanding of Error Proofing, it is important to understand the difference between a defect and an error We can use the cause and effect diagram to identify the the errors that cause defects to occur EXPLAIN: An error is any deviation from a specified manufacturing process. Errors can be made by machines or people and can be caused by errors that occurred previously. All defects are created by errors. This means that if errors can be prevented, no defects will be created. By using Error Proofing, the errors that cause defects are located and eliminated. Error Proofing should be continuously used to locate and prevent new errors. ASK: Referring to the most common defects in your facility, what errors caused the defects? WRITE responses on a flip chart. List common errors in the Errors column Cause & Effect Diagram 12 of 29
Errors Vs defects Method Machinery Environment Man Materials ERRORS Leaking pipe Cracked cistern Tap ‘stuck’ on Faulty washers Non stop water flow ERRORS Leaky roof Toilet over-flowing DEFECT Not releasing lever Not turning off tap ERRORS Here is an example of a completed cause and effect diagram, once the possible causes (errors) are identified, the most likely errors can be counter measured through various error proofing techniques. This will be discussed over the next few slides. Defective ceramic Man Materials 13 of 29
The 10 Causes of Errors There are ten common causes of errors which Error Proofing is designed to correct or eliminate. 1. Processing omissions 2. Processing errors 3. Error in setting up the workpiece 4. Missing parts 5. Improper part/ item 6. Processing wrong workpiece Error proofing can only effect the errors which potentially cause defects – not all errors cause defects! Here is a list of the 10 most common errors which EP is designed to correct or eliminate. Processing omissions: Leaving out one or more process steps. 2. Processing errors: Process operation not performed according to the standard work procedures. 3. Error in setting up the workpiece: Using the wrong tooling or setting machine adjustments in correctly for the current product. 4. Missing parts: Not all parts included in the assembly, welding, or other processes. 5. Improper part/ item: Wrong part installed in assembly. 6. Processing wrong workpiece: Wrong part machined. 7. Operations errors: Carrying out an operation incorrectly; having the incorrect revision of a standard process or specification sheet. 8. Adjustment, measurement, dimension errors: Errors in machine adjustments, testing measurements or dimensions of a part coming in from a supplier. 9. Errors in equipment maintenance or repair: Defects caused by incorrect repairs or component replacement. 10. Error in preparation of blades, jigs, or tools: Damaged blades, poorly designed jigs, or wrong tools. 7. Operations errors 8. Adjustment, measurement, dimension errors 9. Errors in equipment maintenance or repair 10. Error in preparation of blades, jigs, or tools 14 of 29
Detecting Errors……. Inspect after INSPECTION AFTER ALL PROCESSES ARE COMPLETE £ £ £ £ FROM SUPPLIER This slide demonstrates the impact that catching a error at source has on cost. As the product progresses through the factory it gains in value as more value adding steps are accumulated. Historically we tend to inspect things after the value has been added to the product. Ask the audience if they can relate to this in their everyday jobs – where should we be striving to catch the error? TO CUSTOMER PROCESS A PROCESS B PROCESS C PROCESS D 15 of 29
Implementing error proofing Step 1. Locate the defect and isolate the process that created it – customer protection Toilet over-flowing Method Man Materials Machinery Environment Defective ceramic Not releasing lever Not turning off tap Leaky roof Non stop water flow Tap ‘stuck’ on Faulty washers Leaking pipe Cracked cistern Step 2. Gather the team , list all possible errors that cause this defect Step 3. Determine the most likely error Step 4. Carry out 5-why and determine ROOT CAUSE 17 of 29
Implementing Error Proofing Don’t accept a defect Don’t make a defect Don’t pass on a defect THINK!! Where to check Source, Self Successive What to check Feature Method, Constant Value, Step movement Correcting Function Warning, Control Error Proofing Device An error proofing device is developed when three elements are considered. 18 of 29
Where to check - the 3 checks SELF CHECK CHECKING FOR AN ERROR DURING THE PROCESS SUCCESSIVE CHECK CHECKING FOR AN ERROR AFTER THE PROCESS BEFORE THE NEXT PROCESS BEGINS SOURCE CHECK CHECKING FOR AN ERROR BEFORE THE PROCESS When deciding on the type of error proofing device required for a particular error, it is necessary to select where the device will be placed in order to minimise the chance of the error passing through to the next process. There are 3 checking methods that can be used : Source check – raw material check Self check – configuration of part in process Successive check – checks the last process FROM SUPPLIER PROCESS A PROCESS B 19 of 29
Step movement - Sequence of operator motion or process sequence. What to Check Feature Method - Physical characteristic of part is sensed to differentiate it from standard 5 6 7 8 9 10 Constant Value - A value monitored from measuring the process – eg; oil/water levels, Feature method : Use sensors (limits, proximities,micro switches fibre sensors, photoelectric), jigs or locator pins to uniquely identify this characteristic. Constant value : Torque/Angle Air Pressure Weld Current/Voltage Flow Level Temperature Time Operator motion (light curtain, switch) Dimensional (vision, LVDT, analog proximity) Motion step : light beam, counter Step movement - Sequence of operator motion or process sequence. TARGET ACTUAL 1 2 Eg; counter 20 of 29
Correction Function Warning: Informs the operator that an error or defect has just occurred. Typically a light (flashing more effective), or audible alarm Control: Interlocked to process. Required operator interaction before process can continue. 21 of 29
Implementing Error Proofing - Recap Where to check Source, Self Successive Correcting Function Warning, Control What to check Feature Method, Constant Value, Step movement Error Proofing Device Don’t receive a defect Don’t make a defect Don’t pass on a defect THINK!! 22 of 29
Manual and Automated Systems Manual systems : Non automated error proofing devices and techniques that either aid in production or help support an employee in making the right decisions. – Supports STANDARD WORKING PRACTICES Improved tooling (positioning/orientation) Visual error proofing (colour coding/status indicators) Improved maintenance (torque cut-off, vibration) Improved processing ( methods/ handling) Improving inspection ( calibration/ gauges/ method) Ensure you explain Standard working practices correctly Dependent On Human Judgment Simple Error Proofing Devices Detection, Feedback and Action are operator initiated 23 of 29
Manual and Automated Systems Error proofing systems that automatically prevent or detect errors and alert operators to a problem. Two categories : 1. Contact devices : Limit switch Touch switch Typically Machine Dependent Sophisticated Error Proofing Devices Automatically Performs Detection and Feedback. 1.) Sensors fall into one of two categories: Contact devices Non Contact Devices 2.) Show examples of each. 3.) Automated applications have become very sophisticated and may be used to detect a number of different characteristics. 2. Non-contact devices : Photo-electric sensors Proximity switches Vision systems 24 of 29
Implementing Error Proofing Remember the problem solving PDCA cycle! Plan Act A P C D Use the PDCA Cycle to implement error proof device Check Do
Error Proofing PDCA - 9 Steps 1 Customer Protection 2 Gather Team/ Brainstorm 3 Determine probable causes 4 5 Why’s 5 Propose solutions 6 Evaluate & select 7 Plan the implementation 8 Measure the results 9 Standardise Use the 9 steps as shown
Step 1 - Customer Protection Step 1. Locate the defect and isolate the process that created it P D C A Plan Do Check Act Action required within 24 hours . Focuses on eliminating the impact of the effect on the customer. Must be assigned to an individual for implementation. Includes a measure to ensure customer protection is effective. Communicated and reviewed through production structure. Has an agreed effective life span . Terminates when countermeasure is in place. ALWAYS PROTECT YOUR CUSTOMER 27 of 29
Step 2 – Gather Team / Brainstorm Toilet over-flowing Method Man Materials Machinery Environment Defective ceramic Not releasing lever Not turning off tap Leaky roof Non stop water flow Tap ‘stuck’ on Faulty washers Leaking pipe Cracked cistern Step 2. Gather the team , list all possible errors that cause this defect Set up the team to brainstorm the cause and effect diagram, and brainstorm possible error proofing ideas. Create a team and start gathering data around the problem P D C A Plan Do Check Act
Step 2 – gather team / brainstorm Remember the brainstorming rules…. Have a clear and understood topic. Team activity, round the table or the board. Quantity not quality . No criticism for any ideas given . Record repeated ideas . Don’t work an idea during the session . Write it down as the speaker has said it . Use brainstorming to gather data around the problem Piggy back off other peoples idea’s . Think Out of the Box . Use pass when no idea Run session for approx 10 - 15 Mins. Have a break after session before reviewing
Step 3 - Determine the Probable Cause Step 3. Determine the most likely error P D C A Plan Do Check Act Act on the findings of the cause and effect diagram, but try not to solve problems outside the teams experience or control. Quantify the problem and the causes, take special note of causes that appear repeatedly. Use other quality tools to help quantify Pareto analysis, histograms, control charts etc. If there are more causes identified than the team can handle, the team is to reach a consensus as to which are the most probable ones. Choose the 3 probably causes from the data you collected and the brainstorming session Quantify the problem Test out the causes TEST out the causes and verify with the quality tools data.
Now start to think of solutions... Step 4 - 5 Why Step 4. Carry out 5-why and determine ROOT CAUSE Q : WHY has machine stopped ? A : Overload tripped out ! 1 Q : WHY overload trip ? A : Insufficient oil on shaft ! 2 Q : WHY Insufficient oil ? A : Oil pump in efficient ! 3 Q : WHY is pump not efficient ? A : Pump drive shaft worn ! 4 Q : WHY is this shaft worn ? A : Oil filter blocked with swarf ! 5 Use the 5 whys to get to the root cause Asking why to each answer will get to the root cause Root-cause P D C A Plan Do Check Act Now start to think of solutions...
Step 5 – Propose Solutions Step 5. Propose solutions (manual/ automated / where / what etc) Where to check Source, Self Successive Think….. Don’t receive a defect, don’t make a defect, don’t pass on a defect Do you want an manual or automated system? What to check Feature Method, Constant Value, Step movement P D C A Plan Do Check Act Correcting Function Warning, Control Once you have agreed on probable root causes then look at the 3 areas: Where to check What to check Correcting function Remember Don’t receive defects--------don’t produce defects----------don’t pass on defects Error proofing teams should encourage the sharing of all ideas. Thomas Edison said, “The secret to having good ideas is to have a lot of them.”
Step 6 – Evaluate & Select The following are guidelines for Error Proofing devices: Error- proofing devices should be simple and low cost. Look for low- cost, easy to implement devices Upgrading or scrapping devices should not result in an expensive loss. Assess feasibility of the device before appropriating capital. Error- proofing devices prevent / detect 100 % of defects. At best, devices should prevent the ability to make a defect. If the defect cannot be prevented, the device should prevent it from being passed to the next production process. Use the guidelines to design your device SIMPLE MUST PREVENT 100% DEFECTS IMMEDIATE FEEDBACK P D C A Plan Do Check Act Error- proofing devices should provide immediate feedback. The device should provide prompt identification of defect locations, allowing for quick troubleshooting
Step 7 – Plan the Implementation Step 7. Develop a plan for implementation P D C A Plan Do Check Act Guide Lines Plan the implementation into smaller actions Organise any sequence for these actions. Assign who & when for these actions. Time scales ideal 1 week , maximum 1 month Review actions during daily review by exception. Escalate issues raised in a timely manner. PLAN THE IMPLEMENTATION ONLY MAKE ONE CHANGE AT A TIME AGREE WHEN TO REVIEW AND WHAT TO REVIEW DO IT Measure the actions impact - is the cause eliminated. Check for any reoccurrence for “n” cycles. Just do it!
Step 8 – Measure the Results Step 8. Measure results / Analyse benefits Guide Lines Check for any reoccurrence for “n” cycles. Use data gathered to demonstrate trend. If cost effective, remove countermeasure and review. Ensure you measure the right things, and the same things as you did before. Analyse the benefits and improvements for an agreed period of time before embedding the device P D C A Plan Do Check Act
Step 9. Update Standard work instructions/ standard documentation Step 9 – Standardise Step 9. Update Standard work instructions/ standard documentation Quality P D C A S D C A Key point to mention here is that if you don’t standardise the levels of quality will fall!!!!! Time
Group exercise Two teams, Same problem Groups have to come up with an error proofing solution to a problem Present solution back to group Discuss results 37 of 29
Summary Error proofing is a continuous process. Failsafe improvement Work (normal) Error proofing is a continuous process. Detection drives feedback, which drives corrective action, which generates more detection. As the error proofing process matures, the trend will be to identify opportunities earlier in the product cycle. Act Plan Check Do 38 of 29