Water, Sanitation, and Development in Belize
Water practices - Belize n Traditional – Rainwater collection above-ground tank or underground cisternabove-ground tank or underground cistern n Traditional and immigrant – hand-dug wells n Now – rudimentary water systems well pumped to elevated tank (Bella Vista)well pumped to elevated tank (Bella Vista) chlorinatedchlorinated home storage tankshome storage tanks n Now – urban river water with treatment plant (Dangriga)river water with treatment plant (Dangriga) home storage tankshome storage tanks
Rainwater collection
Sanitation practices - Belize n Pit Latrines crude hole in the ground, orcrude hole in the ground, or tank with no bottomtank with no bottom n Find a spot ditchditch n Cities – sewage systems (treatment?)
Bella Vista, Belize n Spanish-speaking village 1 hr from Dangriga n High incidence of waterborne diseases due to water? sanitation?due to water? sanitation? –“their practices” public water supply from drilled well, to storage tank, piped to 1/3 of villagepublic water supply from drilled well, to storage tank, piped to 1/3 of village –they prefer their own hand-dug home wells, don’t like chlorine taste of public water –tank filled once per day due to finances, emptied quickly open bottom septic tanks, no drainfieldsopen bottom septic tanks, no drainfields groundwater is near surface, a real mess when in rainsgroundwater is near surface, a real mess when in rains
Bella Vista Dangriga
Bella Vista - solution n Solution is neither obvious nor simple Political, economic, and social issuesPolitical, economic, and social issues what we’ll dowhat we’ll do –health survey –hygiene education
Steadfast project n Water for Steadfast near national park (biology project)near national park (biology project) intake at waterfall in the jungleintake at waterfall in the jungle muddy water when it rainsmuddy water when it rains intake modification?intake modification? household filters?household filters? hill top clarifier?hill top clarifier? clarifierclarifier –enough pressure (“head”)? –maintenance –cost
Dangriga projects n Drainage BIG problem; difficult short-term projectBIG problem; difficult short-term project obligation to mayor to do somethingobligation to mayor to do something detailed survey would be helpfuldetailed survey would be helpful n Parks playgroundsplaygrounds tourist centertourist center
wild horses in Dangriga
Other Issues n Roads pavement and drainage helppavement and drainage help n Bridge n Solid waste n Beach erosion
Questions? Thomas Soerens