Promeon 11
P: Let us pray to the Lord for his grace and mercy C: Merciful Lord, bless us and help us. P: Make us worthy O Lord to continually offer to your unfading majesty, praise, thanksgiving, glory, and adoration.
Praise be to you O Jesus Christ, the Chief Priest, who is blessed and who redeemed us from our sins, through your Holy Sacrifice and who by His sacrifice has justified the world. To Him who is exalted, let praise and thanksgiving be to you at this time of perfecting of the divine sacrifice of praise, all the days of our life, now and forever. C: Amen
Sedra Our Lord Messiah who before ages, was born from His glorious Father, without a mother and in the fullness of time was born from a virgin mother without a father, the Lord of all the worlds, the Lamb, who was willingly offered as a sacrifice on the Cross and through this sacrifice justified all the nations and all people.
At this time when we offer this sacrifice, we beseech you to look upon us compassionately in our misery. Kindly abide with us and among us. Sanctify our hearts and thoughts, so that our bodies become clean, and well pleasing to you, befitting your divinity as you abide amidst the heavenly Hosts. O merciful Lord, by the communion of your Holy Body and Priceless Blood, may all the thorny bushes of sin be burnt away.
Let your Holy Body and Holy Blood be our bread of life and the fulfillment of our desire for eternal life. We will offer praise and thanksgiving to you, to your Father, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. C: Amen