Spectrophotometric properties of the nearest pre-main sequence stars A-Ran Lyo
HR diagram Luminosity Temperature Pre-main sequence
Lyo et al. 2004a Hα emission line : accretion disk & chromospheric activity Li I absorption line : age indicator because Li I is diminished fast during the very early phase of stellar evolution.
ε Chamaelentis cluster : t = Myr (Feigelson et al. 2003) ~ 6 Myr (Luhman 2004) η Cha cluster : t = Myr (Luhman & Steeghs 2004) = Myr (Lyo et al. 2004) TW Hydrae association : t ~ Myr (Webb et al. 1999) β Pictoris Moving group : t ~ 20±10 Myr (Barrado y Navascues 2001) Lower Centaurus Crux : t = 17 ~ 23 Myr (Mamajek et al. 2002) a common kinematic link with the Ophiuchus-Scorpius- Centaurus OB Association
Lawson & Feigelson 2000 Pre-main sequence evolutionary models
Spectral lines : Effective temperature (spectral type) : Luminosity (surface gravity) : Chemical composition (metallicity) valuable input for understanding PMS stellar structure and evolution.
Lyo et al. 2004b η Chamaeleontis
Comparison of η Cha cluster members and dwarfs PC3PC4PC5 CaH TiO CaOH Lyo et al. 2004b
Temperature-sensitive indices Lyo et al. 2004b
Gravity-sensitive indices Lyo et al. 2004b
Lyo et al. 2008
Lawson, Lyo, & Bessell 2009, accepted
Thank you