Welcome to Mrs. Stewart and Mr. Turner’s 1 st /2nd Grade Class! River Oaks Academy
A little about your teacher… My name is Mrs. Li Stewart. This is my 7 th year of teaching with CMS This is my 3 rd year of teaching 1 st grade. This is my 1 st year teaching at River Oaks Academy.
More about your teacher My background –I was born in Guang Zhou, China. –I immigrated to the United States when I was 7 years old. (First Grade too!) –I grew up in Charlotte, North Carolina and attended college at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. My experience –I’ve been teaching for 7 years. –I hold a Bachelor's and Masters Degree in Elementary Education.
About Mr. Turner… My background –I was born in Mobile, Alabama. –I am married and have one daughter. –I am thrilled to be in this class. Let’s have a Wonderful Year!
Here are some of the activities we will be doing this year! Projects Across all Subjects Writing Portfolios Reading Imagine It Literacy Hands-On Math Activities Accelerated Reader And Many More!!!
Here are some of the items you will need for this year! Binder (Navy or White 1 inch) Copy Paper (2 White 1 Color) Zip Lock Bags –Boys (gallon) girls (quart) Kleenex - 2 Boxes Hand sanitizer – 2 Glue Sticks – 4 Pencils Black Dry Erase Markers 4 One-Subject Notebooks Loose leaf notebook paper 10 Folders Solid Colors Sanitizing wipes 2 Crayon Boxes 1 Pack Elementary Handwriting Paper 2 Black & White Composition Notebooks 1 Package of Treats (hard candy, pencils, stickers etc.) Please do not put names of students on any of the donated supplies. $5.00 Instructional Fee
My Goals All scholars will master basic reading and math skills necessary for first grade/second grade success. Scholars will listen attentively and follow directions. Scholars will learn to stay focused on and bring written tasks to completion both independently and in cooperative groups. All scholars will bring completed homework assignments to school daily.
Class Subjects The subjects we cover are: –READING, READING, READING! –Writing –Math –Science –Social studies –Spelling
Reading This year we will be doing the Imagine It reading program We will learn sounds of letters, putting sounds together to make words, new vocabulary, and reading fluently.
Writing This year in writing we are going to work on a writing portfolio. It will include the following types of writing: –Small Moment Stories –Persuasive Writing –All About Me –Poems –How-To –Research papers –Letters
Math We will be covering number sense Addition and Subtraction Problem Solving Telling Time Venn Diagrams 2D and 3D Figures Graphing Measurement Probability
Science This year in science, we will discuss and learn about Matter, Force and Motion, Earth Materials, and Living Things.
Social Studies This year in social studies, we will discuss and learn about our classroom community, citizenship, community helpers, elections, cultures and celebrations and geography.
Spelling We will receive new spelling words each Monday, work on studying them throughout the week, and then take a test over them on Friday. You may also look on my website for the monthly lists. ki.wikispaces.net/
Following the Rules Sit quietly and listen to the teacher. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Actively participate. Remain on task Keep hands and feet to yourself. BLUE (I have my self-control, I’m having a great day!) GREEN (1 st Warning), YELLOW (2 nd Warning, Self-control time and loss of privilege.) RED (Last Warning. I did not regain my self control. Rewards: Prize Box Treat Bucket Bulldog Paws M&M’s
Homework I will assign about minutes of homework every night. This includes 30 minutes of reading. Please sign off on Reading Log nightly. If you work hard in class, your homework is just a review.
Welcome! Welcome again to my class! I know we will have a great year!!!
Let’s Have a Great Year!