Hurricanes and Blizzards By: Morgan Kay Lawson
Hurricanes A hurricane is a huge storm Sometimes during the biggest hurricanes they can stretch across over 600 miles The average wind speed in a hurricane is from 75mph to 200mph Hurricanes usually move around at and average speed of 10 to 20mph Hurricanes gather heat and energy through contact with warm ocean waters Hurricane Safety Precautions When there is a hurricane watch they give you at least 36 hours to prepare and during this time you should cover all your windows, have some sort of extra light power, have some emergency food, and it might help if you have flood insurance
Blizzards Blizzards derive their energy from the clash of two different temperatures and moisture levels During a blizzard usually there are winds from 35mph and greater lasting up to 3 hours Safety Precautions During a blizzard do not travel and make sure you have a blizzard safety kit if you are out of the house with chains, a shovel, a blanket, extra clothes, food, and water. If you are indoors make sure you have extra food and blankets and have a indoor heating system.
Fun Pictures BlizzardHurricane(after) Hurricane Blizzard