Draft Cross-regional Roadmap for Day-Ahead Price Coupling NWE Day-ahead price coupling project meeting 15 June 2011
2 Agenda Background Cross-regional roadmap for day- ahead price coupling Horizontal issues and open questions Next steps
3 Background Target model is a single European Price Coupling by 2014 Draft cross-regional roadmap based on regional work plans and AESAG work on roadmap Some adaptations were necessary in order to include all regions into the roadmap Additionally Proposal on process for way forward with procedural steps List of horizontal issues and open questions that need to be solved in time First discussion of roadmap amongst ACER/NRAs at ERI coordination meeting June 10, 2011
4 Cross regional roadmap for day-ahead Project milestones Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 Procedural steps NWE Price Coupling (CWE, GB, ITVC borders) Integration of SWE borders Integration of CEE borders Integration of CSE borders Integration of (remaining) FUI borders ??? Integration of (remaining) Baltic borders ??? Single European Price Coupling Integration of CH / HU / GB / SWE in CWE MC ???? Integration of SEE ?
5 Cross regional roadmap for day-ahead Project milestones Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 Procedural steps NWE NRAs, TSOs and PXs start discussion on high level principles for governance arrangements and organisational issues for NWE MC High level governance arrangements made transparent to stakeholders other countries ACER request ENTSO-E to validate PCR algorithm and to agree with Europex on one single algorithm by Q4 ENTSO-E validates algorithm (with potential modifications) NRAs agree on a common, coordinated approval/review process for the algorithm NRAs start national review process (potentially consultation) in parallel NRAs coordinated endorse algorithm, e.g. letter of comfort NWE TSOs and PX present their commonly agreed algorithm to NRAs for approval/review; NRAs approval/review on national basis Once Commissions Governance Guideline is adopted the agreed governance arrangements may need to be revised (date still unclear) TSOs and PXs regularly inform NRAs and stakeholders on implementation steps
6 Cross regional roadmap for day-ahead Basic principles to avoid stumbling in progress Regions/countries ready to adopt NWE MC arrangements without delaying the process may join from the beginning Commitment of enough resources crucial If Governance Guideline is not adopted after NWE MC launch other regions/countries may join NWE MC Existing/forthcoming bilateral market coupling initiatives oneed to be compatible, and oshould not delay implementation of the day-ahead target model How to ensure that? Minimum: Action plan available to NRA leading cross- regional day-ahead price coupling project Common information level necessary to ensure smooth integration of additional borders
7 Horizontal issues and open questions Overlap with other parts of the target model? How to ensure smooth interaction of roadmaps (flow- based in particular)? Harmonisation of price caps at PX markets? Currently, price boundaries differ between some PX Various Power Exchanges in one market? Currently, sometimes more than one PX operates a day- ahead market area in a country Harmonisation of Gate Closure Times (GCT)? Currently, GCT differ between some PX Firmness? of capacity given to the market coupling; interdependence to Firmness of long-term rights (PTR / FTR)?
8 Horizontal issues and open questions Harmonisation of nomination schedules? Need for harmonisation of pre- and/or post market coupling timings, e.g. nomination of long-term rights? DC-Cables in Market Coupling? General: commercial w/o exemption vs. TSO owned Ramping, losses, minimum flows, Firmness (?) Compatible bids? Harmonisation of types of products (full harmonisation needed on basic products; local diversity possible) Fall-back solutions? Harmonised approach for potential decoupling situations Resources? Same staff from TSOs, PX, NRAs working on different projects/subjects
9 Next steps Finalization of cross-regional roadmaps (DA, ID, LT, CC) at ACER workshop on European Energy Work Plan on June 22, 2011 in Ljubljana Regional work plans to be finalized and send to European Commission End of June Presentation of cross-regional roadmap at AESAG meeting on July 11, 2011 in Brussels Further discussion / meetings / start of implementation …
10 Thank you for your attention!