Watkins Elementary School 3-Year S.T.E.A.M Plan Anthony Lawson
SY 2014 – 2015 Goals Science and Math Departmentalized Teams are Created Math/Science Literacy/Social Studies Science Projects (each quarter or rotating with SS) Earth/Life Science (water cycle, photosynthesis, weather, habitats, layers of the earth, life cycles) Space Science (moon phases, solar system, light/sound) Physical Science (electricity, motion, magnetism, technology) Science Fair (independent/dependent/controlled variable, scientific method)
Continued Field Trips One per quarter OR every other quarter for social studies field trips Off-site (Grades 3-5) Science Lab Rotating Schedule Partnership with Living Classrooms (Grades 3 and 5) – visiting Teacher + Field Trip
What we need first High quality, pedagogically sound teachers Content Experts – can integrate content lessons Coachable teachers High quality professional development Technology Cleaned and Inventoried Science Lab
What we need... Materials (telescopes, microscopes, slides, balances, FOSS kits-2 per grade level replenish, etc.) Parent Volunteers (5-10) Grades 3-4: Sun, Moon, Starts (FOSS) ; Mater and Energy (FOSS); Earth materials (FOSS) Grade 5: Levers and Pulleys (FOSS) ; Mixtures and Solutions (FOSS), Variables (FOSS); Living Systems (FOSS); Environments (FOSS) ; Landforms (FOSS) Money for Consumables
SY Technology and Engineering Watkins Modernization Phase I complete Smartboards, iPads, Gizmos, Apple TV, etc. Full-time afterschool competitive Robotics Club Projects still exist from previous year – Engineering can now be used in lieu of one of the science branches. Competitive Science Bowl Team?
SY Arts Integration Kennedy Center Partnership – CETA (Changing Education Through the Arts) ? Multiple Art Teachers?