1 Establishing partnerships and maximising synergies Promoting knowledge transfer: networks and exchanges Example: Innovation Assistant Irma Priedl Amt der NÖ Landesregierung Establishing partnerships and maximising synergies Promoting knowledge transfer: networks and exchanges Example: Innovation Assistant Irma Priedl Amt der NÖ Landesregierung
2 Niederösterreich – some geographical & structural data Largest province of Austria 1.55 mill. Inhabitants Area of square km Approx. 7% unemployment rate Very heterogeneous economic structure
3 Continuous improvement process of Regional Innovation System NÖ Development of the RIS NÖ Strategy Implementation of the RIS NÖ Strategy Development of the holistic Regional Innovation System Intensification of cooperation of enterprises, research and administration in Lower Austria in the field of innovation Sharpening the innovation profile of Lower Austria and international positioning of the region Achieving consensus on the orientation of the RIS Strategy Lower Austria Definition of 5 strategic corner pillars for RIS Lower Austria Definition of role allocation of the regional actors 2008 Establishment of Lower Austrian innovation system as European benchmark Positioning and Lead of Lower Austria for an innovation strategy Vienna Region Vision: Establishment of NÖ as Top innovation region in Europe Start of implementation of strategic corner pillars Start and realisation of projects that complement the corner pillars Orientation of the Obj. 2 New and INTERREG IIIa Programme towards the Regional Innovation Strategy Lower Austria … was initiated in 1997 with the development of the Regional Innovation Strategy Lower Austria
4 RIS++ NÖ: Basic information Regional Program of Innovative Actions (RPIA) Lower Austria : 2002 to 2004 Total Budget: Euro Strategic themes: Regional economies based on knowledge and technological innovation the information society at the service of regional development Actions: Dialogue Science – Economy – Policy & Administration Innovation Assistant Experts dialogue Strategic User Value Orientation IT Pilot-Projects for B-to-B Solutions Pre-Seed Acceleration for Technology Based Firms
5 Innovation assistant Objectives / Frame conditions: Fostering the innovation capability and culture within SMEs Stimulation of SMEs, especially with no or little experience with graduated employees, Innovation assistant must be a new employee and recently graduated (university or university of applied sciences). Innovation assistant has to be employed for a specific innovation project Implementation of a specific innovation project within the SME (R&D, internal management and organisation, communication and information). Funding for a maximum of 15 months open for SMEs of all sectors of industry and industry related services
6 Innovation assistant type of support Grant of the labor costs of the innovation assistant (50% for the first 8 months of employment, 35% for further max. 7 months) with a maximum amount of ,-; Mandatory training of the innovation assistant by a specially designed post graduated training program established at the Danube University Krems (100%) Grant of max. 50% of costs for project related, accompanying trainings up to 3.000,-; Funding of project and innovation assistant coaching and monitoring (100%, max ,- ) by an external consultants.
7 Innovation assistant mid term results Duration: 2002 – 2004 within the Regional Program of Innovative Actions (RPIA) Lower Austria 2004 – 2006within the standard funding programme of the department of economy and technology of the Lower Austrian Government Since July 2005 mainstream to the Obj. 2 programme of Lower Austria Results: 6 rounds are approved 49 innovation assistants are on their job
8 companies represent the following sectors: Production: air conditioning and heating technology, machine building, food preparation, wood construction, special chemistry Service: information technology, innovation management consultancy etc. Companies participating in the evaluation
9 Funding projects carried out by the Innovation Assistants: Development of new construction elements, construction of technical devices Supply Chain optimization, introduction of logistics monitoring system Patenting of new production methods Companies participating in the evaluation
10 Stimulating effect of the funding programme
11 Stimulating growth in the companies funded
12 Development of turn over in the companies funded PLUS 5 % - 50 % PLUS 5%-50% PLUS 5%-50%
13 Development of earnings in the companies funded PLUS 5 % - 50 % PLUS 3%-30%
14 Employment effect of the funding programme 1-6 new jobs Production, R&D, order processing, sales department, new business field, etc.
15 Companies´ investments stimulated by the funding programme Average investment volume ca In 1000
16 Strengthening the competitiveness of the companies funded
17 Development of innovative products / services
18 Competitiveness in the home market / in export markets
19 Technological positioning of the companies funded
20 Building innovation networks stimulated by the funding project
21 Stimulation of cooperation culture
22 Know-How transfer through new cooperations
23 Organisational development of the companies funded
24 Introduction of modern project management methods stimulating further innovation 100 % of the participating companies are planning further innovative projects after the the end of the funding project
25 Professional prospects of the Innovation Assistants
26 Strengthening of competitiveness ca. 80 % innovative products / ca. 20 % innovative processes created during funding project ca. 80 % significant technological improvements Improvement of market position ca. 2/3 in the home market, ca. 1/3 in export markets Introduction of modern management methods More than 90 % improved their project management Ca. 80 % organisational change activities Stimulation of cooperation culture and know how transfer More than 50% established new long term cooperations, 50% improved collaboration with RTD and/or universities Summary (1)
27 Growth of the companies funded More than 85 % created new jobs More than 70 % with rising sales More than 50 % with rising earnings Stimulation of companies´ investments In average additional investments amounting in each company funded Innovation Assistents turned into important kwow-how owners and perspective managers in their companies! Summary (2)
28 Consulting -> accompanying evaluation The consulting foreseen in the pilot phase was transferred into an accompanying evaluation. Upgrade of the training programme From a workshop concept to a academic training course. Project description A meeting at the very beginning between regional authority and interested SME enables to improve the project setup. Mobilisation Still hard to mobilize SME with 50 to 100 employees to take part in the programme Experiences Pilot-Project -> Implementation
29 Thank you for your attention ! Irma Priedl Amt der NÖ Landesregierung Abteilung Wirtschaft und Technologie 3109 St. Pölten, Landhausplatz