LOTEHAT 3 P ROJECT LOTEHAT 3 P ROJECT I NVESTIGATION S HOWCASE 2012 Name: Salvatore La Fauci School Name: Mount Lilydale Mercy College Investigation Title: Development of Listening Skills
W HAT I DID : I investigated a Year 10 Italian class consisting of 14 students. I then gathered and collated data from different listening activities. The following activities were included: 1. Listening tasks from the Text 2. The Dante Alighieri Poetry Competition. Assessed as a formal listening task. 3. Understanding a piece of Italian Commentary 4. Listening to a dialogue from a DVD to identify a particular vocabulary 5. Note taking exercise from a particular dictation 6. Formal listening tests 7. Student self-evaluation. Online survey as a student self assessment. I used this data as well as our VASS results to compile my investigation.
W HAT I LEARNT : Most students responded to the activities well. With correct explanations prior to completing the activities, the students performed better. Students needed to familiarize themselves with the activities. Therefore the same activities would have to be repeated on a regular basis. Students were able to respond better to certain activities and not others. (e.g Note taking they found difficult but listening to a dialogue from a DVD they found easier due to the visuals.) At this level it is important to allow the students to listen to the oral recordings as many times as is necessary for them to be able to comprehend and complete the activities to the best of their abilities. A greater focus is needed on listening and note taking.
W HERE TO FROM HERE : Through my implementation I believe I achieved the results I was looking for. I have gained knowledge of the level that each individual student is at. Practicing these activities must become a habit and I will have to do them regularly with the students to gain any success. Most students have made individual improvements in their listening skills in such a short amount of time. Therefore through regular practice the students should continue to improve. The aim is for the students to become familiar with the format and the listening tasks set at the VCE level.