North Dakota Counseling Association Aspire to Inspire with Wisdom, Vision, Action & Results
Welcome & Focus Moment Hope Defined Future Scale/Scoring Hope Theory Beyond Good Intentions What About False Hope Living Your Values Video Clip Sharing the Journey Questions & Thanks
Why are you here? Are you seeking to build your hope? Is there a client you would like to see more hope in? Take a moment of silence, allow yourself space to give hope traction in your life.
How do you define hope? Literature review of Hope in Psychiatry (Schrank 2008) Stephenson’s (1991) definition: “Hope is a process of anticipation that involves the interaction of thinking, acting, feeling and relating, and is directed toward a future fulfillment that is personally meaningful.”
Hope scholars (Larsen et al., 2007) summarize hope as: ◦ Multidimensional (affective, relational, cognitive, behavioral, contextual, temporal) ◦ Dynamic ◦ Essential to life ◦ Future oriented ◦ Personally significant/subjectively understood ◦ Goal oriented
Directions: Using the scale shown below, please select the number that best describes YOU. 1= Definitely False 2= Mostly False 3= Somewhat False 4= Slightly False 5= Slightly True 6= Somewhat True 7= Mostly True 8= Definitely True
1. Add up numbers: 2, 9, 10, & 12 to equal your Agency subscale 2. Add up numbers: 1,4, 6, and 8 to equal your Pathways subscale score. 3. Add your Agency subscale score and your Pathways subscale score to equal your total Hope Scale score.
Hope is a positive motivational state that is based on an interactively derived sense of successful agency (goal- directed energy) and pathways (planning to meet goals). Useful in formulating treatment plans and measuring outcome effectiveness of treatment.
Counselor Awareness ◦ Self Reflection ◦ Self Acceptance ◦ Self Care Counselor Expectations ◦ Hope for client ◦ Trust in one’s own therapeutic effectiveness ◦ Conceptualization and role of hope in your practice
Counselor & Client Relationship ◦ Critical Component ◦ Counseling Skills- Remembering the foundation ◦ Nonjudgmental Active Listening
Hope Focused Language ◦ Conveying Language of Hope ◦ Hope Focused Questions ◦ Application with Partner Photography & Hope: Case Study (*) (*) Talking About Hope: The Use of Participant Photography. Miller, G & Happell, B. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, DOI: /
Recognizing Limitations Internalization of Hope ◦ External sources of hope are likely to lead to fleeting periods of hope (Bruhn, 1984) ◦ Encourage clients to create hope that comes from within Empathy for client needs behind false hopes
“I propose that hope and meaning should be companions because it is through the self reflections about personal goals, and the perceived progress in reaching those goals, that meaning is constructed in a person’s life.” Snyder (1994) Meaning in Life Creating a future you want to be engaged in
The Shawshank Redemption: Hope
Group sharing on how you keep your hope Group sharing on how you give hope to others
Questions? Thank you for coming!