Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology


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Presentation transcript:

Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology Building of Tomorrow Hans-Günther Schwarz Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (based on a presentation by Herbert Greisberger, Austrian Society for Environment and Technology, ÖGUT) Hans-Günther SChwarz | RD&D Programme “Building of Tomorrow”, Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology, Austria

Outline Background of building energy technology RD&D programme “Building of Tomorrow” (Austria) Concept, demonstration sites and outcomes Further options and needs in building R&D policy

Energy Efficiency Potential Industry Economic growth fuels higher demand for goods and services A need for novel basic processes in energy intensive industry Transport Limited social acceptance for demand measures Hydrogen, electric propulsion, bio-fuels Buildings Passive houses offer higher comfort with low energy demand Efficient technologies based on renewables available => The buildings sector is the most promising area for increasing energy efficiency and lowering CO2 impact

Building energy technology - background construction industry – low R&D investments Low private R&D investments in % of turnover Fragmented industry; mostly SME; lack of innovation Energy demand is not a main driver in building R&D Very limited international competition in building industry Few countries run R&D programmes for building technologies Ongoing R&D focuses on incremental improvements Nevertheless: sustainable building energy technologies have been developed in recent years

RD&D Programme “Building of Tomorrow” state of the art and aims (1999) User and ser-vice aspects: comfort, aging, multifunctional Low energy solar house Renewable energy Building of Tomorrow Passive house technology Energy efficiency Ecological building materials and systems Building ecology, Re-newable raw materials Comparable invest-costs

Aim of “Building of Tomorrow” an example Innovative residential, offices, commercial buildings considerable reduction of energy & material consumption substantial use of renewable sources of energy and renewable and ecologically sound materials taking into account social aspects and cost efficiency high market potential “Building of Tomorrow” is a mission-oriented top-down programme covering basic research, applied research and demonstration projects; Competitive calls and international evaluation of proposals implemented to secure quality of R&D

Research Strategy “Building of Tomorrow” basic research, applied research and demonstration Basic research of strategic importance Building concepts with active involvement of companies Basic research and applied research of research centres and industry Concept-driven development of new technologies and components Demonstration projects accompanying measures stimulation of academic spin-offs project competitions

The outcome With regard to markets rapid increase in passive houses since 2000 share of passive houses on all new buildings: 4 % (2006); from almost zero in 2000 by end of 2006: around 4,000 residential units (RE) with 10,000 passive house residents by end of 2007 more than 2000 buildings will have been built in Austria in passive house standard Increasing demand for multi-family buildings Vienna: multi-family passive houses with 715 RE and 60,300 m² of useful floor area source: passive-house building database, 463 buildings documented (10/2006)

Next Steps technologies to significantly reduce CO2-emissions Demonstration sites will be evaluated The results of the programme have been taken up by the programme “klima:aktiv buildings”; the programme aims at: 20% of sustainable buildings in 2009 25% of ventilation systems instead of conventional heating system New R&D programme “building in 2050” Focus on renovation Design of a new generation of buildings Increased effort of the industry to boost investments in R&D

Lessons Learned Based on the experience of European programmes Energy efficiency & a reduction of CO2-emissions is possible For all climates and building materials At comparable investment costs and lower energy costs With high social acceptance through increase of comfort R&D in building technologies Need of continuous public support Are the basis for sustainable markets in the building sector

Future Options (I) For building technology policy Target oriented R&D activities must be intensified Novel building concepts Including socio-economic research (esp. in renovation) Target oriented development of components and know-how High efficient building technologies must be adopted to climes and local resources International cooperation in R&D needs to be intensified Various instruments are needed to overcome barriers to innovation in the construction industry

Future Options (II) Future research needs Next generation “new buildings which generate energy” Building integrated PV modules and thermal solar technologies Microturbines (10-500 kW) based on biomass, solar cooling Integration into the electricity system Rethink the energy system based on sustainable buildings no need for district heating in new construction areas new approaches for the construction industry big buildings (sky scrapers) in passive house standard Renovation of the existing building stock based on “factor 10 concepts” and technologies => R&D in building technologies has to play a vital role in any sustainable energy system

CATEGORIES and EXAMPLES Basic research on socio-economic issues Analyses of user behaviour Analyses of acceptance of ecological energy efficient buildings Opportunities and barriers of innovative buildings or technologies in context with market diffusion Pro and contra aspects of IT in buildings (monitoring systems) Accompanying measures Strengthen the ecological aspects Consultancy desk for planners and architects for the use of ecological materials

CATEGORIES and EXAMPLES Applied research, technologies & components Strengthen the scientific basis Development or improvement of new technologies & components Topics: Innovative systems for solar heating of buildings and district heating Efficient solar technologies and their multifunctional and esthetical integration into buildings Innovative components (e.g. heat storage, windows, solar cooling) Innovative components and elements on basis of renewable materials

Category: Applied research, technologies & components Example: Solid wood passive-house-window U-value (window): 0,78 W/m²K

Category: Applied research, technologies & components Example: Facade-integrated solar collector for water and space heating

CATEGORIES and EXAMPLES Innovative building concepts & demonstration objects Planning and realising energy-efficient and ecological buildings Integration of results from the basic studies and technologies & components Innovative solutions will be realised Criteria Cost efficiency 50 % use of renewable energy sources (solar energy, biomass, etc.) Reduction of the total final energy demand required for heating, warm water and electrical household appliances to 42 kWh/m²a High comfort for inhabitants Increasing use of ecological or renewable materials (straw, loam, cork, ...)

Building of Tomorrow – demonstration sites Solar City Linz – Apartment complex Passive house standard for a multi family house complex Use of new components and Ecological materials Consideration of Cost efficiency and Acceptance by inhabitants

Category: Office and Commercial Buildings Categories Category: Office and Commercial Buildings Example: Straw house in passive house standard Office & exhibition building Wall system: wood construction; insulation material: straw bale Solar cooling system

Category: Demonstration buildings ZIEL Category: Demonstration buildings Example: Ecological alpine refuge hut, eastern part of the alps, Hochschwab area, Styria (2153 m) Autarkic building maintenance Collection of rain water from roof Warm water/flat thermal collectors integrated in the façade Electricity generated by 70m² of façade integrated photovoltaic panels

Further information, reports and data:

Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology Hans-Günther Schwarz Energy- and Environmental Technologies Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology Tel.: +43 1 71162 652920 E-Mail: