Responding effectively to an emergency and building the capacity for special emergency response and relief … OUTCOME AREA 3: Improved Access to Basic Services PROGRESS TOWARDS HIGHER LEVEL RESULTS I. Emergency Response: Relief and Rehab
Planned Result Progress towards result 37,803 families of Internally- Displaced Persons (IDPs) provided with emergency relief assistance (e.g. food packages, essential non-food packages, health services, supplemental feeding integrated with psycho- social activities. Component Objective 1 Displaced families and evacuees provided with emergency packages of goods and services Mitigating the effects of armed- conflict, with particular attention to the displacement of the civilian population OUTCOME AREA 3: Improved Access to Basic Services
Planned Result Progress towards result 23 rehabilitation sites provided with emergency core-shelters with sanitary toilets (588), water systems (12) and livelihood assistance (10) in partnership with the LGUs, NGAs, NGOs and other partner institutions. Component Objective 1 Mitigating the effects of armed- conflict, with particular attention to the displacement of the civilian population Provision of basic services within the evacuation/rehabilitation centers, e.g. water, sanitation and temporary shelter. OUTCOME AREA 3: Improved Access to Basic Services
Progress towards result 9 Local Disaster Coordinating Bodies or 244 humanitarian workers trained on Disaster Preparedness and Management in partnership with other NGOs, LGUs, and NGAs. 10 Communities trained and applied learning on disaster management and preparedness by hosting IDPs affected by present conflict. Planned Result Component Objective 2 Capacity building: To improve response to an emergency resulting from forced displacement through enhancing the capacities of organizations. Training of trainers to enhance capacity of LGU Disaster Coordinating bodies and frontline workers in responding to emergencies OUTCOME AREA 3: Improved Access to Basic Services
Progress towards result Major support provided in the organization of Mindanao Emergency Response Network (MERN) with 35 NGOs ensuring complementation and collaboration in the delivery of relief and rehabilitation interventions in the area. Component Objective Planned Result Component Objective Capacity building: To improve response to an emergency resulting from forced displacement through enhancing the capacities of organizations. Strengthen inter-agency coordination OUTCOME AREA 3: Improved Access to Basic Services
Contributing to the improvement of quality of life in 100 PDCs… OUTCOME AREA 3: Improved Access to Basic Services II. Reproductive Health
To contribute to the improvement of quality of life in 100 PDCs Planned Result Contributed to the reduction in the cases of maternal deaths in the PDCs thru: 1)enhancement of knowledge and skills of 789 health service providers and health volunteers in the delivery of quality RH services; 2) Provision of health facilities in 15 PDCs; Progress towards result Contributed in improving the quality of life in 100 Peace and Development Communities (PDCs) through better reproductive health. Component Goal OUTCOME AREA 3: Improved Access to Basic Services
To contribute to the improvement of quality of life in 100 PDCs Planned Result 3) Improvement of level of knowledge and awareness of men, women and adolescents on various RH issues and concerns thru effective IEC/advocacy campaign strategies; and 4) Institutionalization of RH thru MHDO, Regional Health Offices, and LGUs including the set-up of RH teams in 93 PDCs Progress towards result Contributed in improving the quality of life in 100 Peace and Development Communities (PDCs) through better reproductive health. Component Goal OUTCOME AREA 3: Improved Access to Basic Services