INEE Regional Tools Launch 2010, Bangkok, Thailand Guidance Notes on Safer School Construction
Natural Disasters Impact on Education Cyclone Nargis hit the coast of Myanmar in May ,106 schools were damaged, with 1,244 totally collapsed.
What are the Guidance Notes on Safer School Construction? Framework of guiding principles and general steps to help communities build disaster resilient schools (or retrofit existing schools)
Main components of Guidance Notes on Safer School Construction A set of suggested steps to consider when planning and implementing the construction, retrofitting and/or repair of safer schools Key design and construction principles to consider when building, retrofitting or repairing school structures for greater resilience to natural disasters Links to resources including designs, manuals, academic studies, case studies and other materials based on the experience and research of practitioners and technical experts around the globe
Policymakers and planners of local, regional and national government bodies Engineers, architects, planners and construction managers United Nations agencies Disaster management organizations NGOs and community-based organizations Bi- and multilateral donor agencies Academic institutions and educators Education sector groups and/or clusters Who should use Guidance Notes on Safer School Construction?
Why the Guidance Notes on Safer School Construction are important: Preventable deaths The Education for All and Millennium Development Goals cannot be achieved without the construction of safer and more disaster resilient education facilities.
Using the Guidance Notes where you work What are the primary challenges related to issues of Disaster Risk Reduction and Safer School Construction in this region?
Use of the Guidance Notes on Safer School Construction How have you used the Guidance Notes in your work and/or how do you anticipate your organisation could implement and institutionalise the Guidance Notes in the future? are the main challenges for Safer School Construction in