The Technical Assistance Component of the Integrated Agricultural Productivity Project (IAPP) Presentation for the Sharing Meeting on the Farmer Organization Mapping Exercise 25 April, 2012
Presentation Outline 1.Project background 2.Farmer organization mapping approach 3.General impressions so far 4.Capacity needs identified 5.Potential solutions 6.Open floor for discussion around other ideas for solutions
Background GAFSP Grant of USD 50 million received in 2010 for the IAPP 4 main components Two supervising entities TA component implemented by FAO team based in Dhaka
Technical Assistance for Capacity Development Capacity development for more effective, inclusive and country- owned agriculture, food security and nutrition investment programmes 3 areas of capacity development: 1.Investment planning and programming; 2.Technical areas related to investment operations: irrigation and water management; seed sector quality assurance; and integration of nutrition into investments; 3.Increased inclusiveness and participation of key stakeholders in the investment project design and implementation process. Capacity development of multiple stakeholders: IAPP staff; GoB staff including Ministry of Agriculture; Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock; Ministry of Food and Disaster Management; IMED; Non-state actors, including farmer organizations.
Mapping Farmer Organizations Purpose To understand the complicated landscape of farmer organizations in Bangladesh To define the capacity development needs to strengthen farmer organizations’ ability to partake in investment programming processes Approach Mapping 3 types of organizations Bilateral meetings, consultation workshops, field visits Mapping team composed of IAPP staff, FAO, Asian Farmer’s Association and Action Aid Bangladesh Rangpur Half-day workshop - NGOs, farmer groups, Govt Group visits in Mithapukur, Sadar, Rangpur and Ulipur, Gaburjan, Pandur, Kurigram Barisal Similar approach - the group departs tonight
Main Findings: General Impressions Many different types of groups Newly formed; more mature; village level; upazilla level; federated; women-only; mixed-gender Common thread: all groups started by projects Very little federation Most organizations not registered Groups have strong technical knowledge as a result of project interventions, but not as much knowledge on institutional development Land issues
Main Findings: Capacity Needs - Organizational Networking and coordination; federating Member mobilization and building trust within groups Leadership development Organizational management Negotiation skills Support to registration
Main Findings: Capacity Needs - Project Cycle Management Overall understanding of how the PCM works Investment planning Participatory planning Project formulation Project implementation Monitoring and evaluation
Main Findings: Capacity Needs - Empowerment Awareness raising on the benefits of being organized Knowledge of Government’s governance processes Negotiation skills Strengthening the role of women Awareness of legal rights
Main Findings: Capacity Needs - Business Business development Financial management/book-keeping Resource mobilization and capital formation Access to finance Access to markets Awareness raising on how being organized can help the group be more competitive on the market
Main Findings: Capacity Needs - Technical Agriculture production technologies Seeds Production systems Bridging the gap between research and training
Potential Solutions Farmer-to-farmer exchange Exchange visits Mentoring Study tours (in-country and abroad) Networking workshops Training Project/investment planning and PCM; business development; financial management; negotiation; leadership development; mobilization of members; Support CSO/FO reps on IAPP Steering Committee Develop capacities of those forming groups as well Facilitation Stakeholder mobilization
Other thoughts?
Thank you