Physical Literacy and You (PLAY) Calgary provides an avenue for interested partners to work together to promote, implement, and evaluate programs, services, amenities and policies which increases the physical literacy of Albertans.
SUMMARY of ‘NEXT STEPS’ EVENT NOVEMBER 25 th #playhub #shakeitoff #Play2gether4ever #workhardplayharder #playyyc leading the way in PL #changemaker #herewecome!
Physical Literacy EducationRecreationSportHealth
Physical Literacy EducationRecreationSportHealth Leadership and Development of PLAY YYC Determine structure,roles and TOR Programming for all Increased opportunities for everyone to be active Common Language (Awareness and Education) Inventory of PL resources and messages Staff Training Create training program Health Engagement PL messages at well child visits Integrated Systems Develop website as a hub for all things PL Education – Teacher Support Increase Quality Pre-planned PL Activities Common Agenda Mutually reinforcing activities Goals Shared Measurement # meetings # of collaborations # of members # of resources accessed Working together to promote, implement, and evaluate programs, services, amenities and policies which increase the physical literacy of Calgarians Backbone Continuous Communication SENSE OF URGENCY
Staff Training Vision Statement: Logic Model: If…then… Outcomes: Every Local Sport organization trains, mentors and supports their paid & volunteer leaders and coaches to enrich their programs with PL based activity Lesson Plan Template Have PL as an integral part of daily programming in recreation Established training centres/hubs within province City wide annual staff training Easier access and money for staff training – physical literacy a common language Create hybrid training program (PL101, NCCP FMS, TGFU) Measure progress towards vision Feed into shared measurement