Applying to Colleges & Universities Ridgemont High School
Congratulatio ns Grads of 2013!!
Graduation Requirements 30 credits (18 compulsory & 12 elective) Community Service (Volunteer) 40 hours Literacy Requirement (Test or course) Check your credit counselling summary
Plan The “Plan” section helps you prepare for your college education. Here you will find information about the individual colleges, a map of their campus locations, a summary of program types, and a section designed to assist and inform your parents. The best way to get a feel for a college is to visit it. Contact the colleges you’re interested in directly to set up a guided tour.
Find a Program The “Find” section is designed so you can search through over 2,600 programs offered by Ontario’s 28 publicly-funded colleges. You can compare different programs, sort your search results and save programs to a Wishlist until you are ready to apply. Fill up your Wishlist first. When you go to apply, those choices will be waiting for you to pick from.
Apply The “Apply” section is the area of our website where you will complete and submit your college application. Hint: Check out the Applicant Info section and print off a checklist. Be sure to have a credit card ready when you apply...
Question: Are there any important dates to keep in mind? Answer: February 1, 2013 All applications received by this date will be given equal consideration by the colleges. This is also the earliest date the colleges will issue an offer of acceptance and the earliest date an applicant may confirm an offer. May 1, 2013 Applicants must confirm their acceptance of an offer of admission by this date. (Note: Offers may be issued after this date, check your offer letter for details.) June 17, 2013 Earliest date colleges may require tuition. You may want to print off a checklist to help you. Go to: Frequently asked questions…
Question: What do I do about my transcripts? Answer: Students currently enrolled in high school please advise your guidance office that you will be applying to college. Your guidance department will send us your grades. You do NOT have to send us a paper transcripts. Talk to guidance… Frequently asked questions…
Question: Will the colleges confirm that they have received my application? Answer: After November 26, you may receive a verification from the colleges you have applied to. If you do not receive an application verification, please contact the colleges directly. The colleges will not contact you before November 28. Frequently asked questions…
101 Application – ONLINE VIDEO
Mark Your Calendar October/November 2012: Schools distribute Access Code Letters for the OUAC 101 Online Application. January 16, 2013: Latest date to submit completed online applications to the OUAC. February 5, 2013: Recommended last day to make changes to your application. May 29, 2013: Date by which the universities must respond to your application for admission. June 3, 2013: Earliest date by which the universities may require a response to offers of admission and a financial commitment.
Notes You need 6 grade 12 U or M courses – Eng 4U is a prerequisite for every University Program – RESEARCH prerequisites—McGill requires 4 at U level, Queen’s 3 at U level. You cannot apply for early acceptance. Arts programs hear earlier than those who have portfolio, auditions, or Calculus as a pre-requisite. Maritime Universities respond earlier but their deadline to accept an offer is before Ontario Universities will send out their acceptances in April.
Notes (cont’d) OUAC agreements: Dalhousie, Concordia, McGill, Bishop’s, UBC, Simon Fraser University, University of Victoria, University of Calgary, but apply to Ontario Universities first. Western Universities have a later application deadline. Nursing – apply to BOTH Ottawa U. and Algonquin campuses through OUAC. Averages on are only a general guideline.
Notes (Cont’d) Some universities make alternate offers. See the university policy on Upgraded marks policy varies according to university AND program You need a Plan A, Plan B, Plan C AND Plan D!!! See Ms. Piovesan or Ms. Wright about mark changes or to add night school courses
Funding Your Education
Savings Family support Summer jobs On-campus Institutional scholarships/bursaries (see bulletin board in guidance!!!) External scholarships and awards OSAP Ontario Work Study Program Bank loans Student line of credit Sources of Funding
Questions? Please make an appointment with your counsellor Interested in career counselling? See Ms. Wilson in guidance