The Computer Recycling Society of Alberta (C.R.S.) is a non-profit society focused on diverting computers from the landfill.
where computers become obsolete in as little as 2 years, a problem has arisen regarding the disposal of these machines. The landfills are becoming overwhelmed with computer components and are starting to either turn people away or charge a fee for disposal of these materials. In today’s fast-growing technology industry,
In addition to providing an alternate destination,… …our commitment is to the recycling and reuse of these materials. Our mission is to promote computer literacy. Following is an example of the process involved when a computer is donated:
When a computer is donated to our society,… …it is determined whether the system and its parts are to be refurbished or recycled. Refurbished machines are, first and foremost, forwarded on to other non-profits and charitable organizations who can distribute them to people who can use them.
Computer systems and components… …that are obsolete or non-functional are sent to recycling companies according to the type of materials they specialize in. Volunteers are a big part of the refurbishing process. Their skills, interest and eagerness to help and learn, enable us to produce refurbished machines in a timely and efficient manner.
We are a member of Volunteer Calgary… …and have great pride in our volunteers and are always encouraging new people to come join our team.
In our constant effort… …to help promote a computer literate society, our organization has taken steps to help in teaching basic computer skills to people who have little to no experience with a computer. We offer basic training sessions to interested parties, which are usually headed up by our most skilled volunteers.
To be involved in our project by donating, volunteering, or by simply referring someone to us, we may be contacted either by or at the telephone number below.
Let’s help to preserve our environment… …by getting these materials out of the landfills. Thank you for taking the time to read this message and we look forward to being in contact with you in the near future.