Eco-innovation Carlos Toro Project Manager - LCA 5 September 2013
Content Why Ecoinnovation NCPC’s Strengths NCPC´s Needs
NCPC’s New Business Opportunity Resources depletion - Dynamic Economy Restrictive Local Environmental Regulations i.e Colombia new waste water pollutants limits. Old: 80% BOD removal, and Suspended Solids New: mg/l BOD, and other pollutants (nitrates, heavy metals) per Economic Sector NCPC’s RECP (New Tech- New Practices)
NCPC’s New Business Opportunity Resources depletion - Dynamic Economy Restrictive Local Environmental Regulations Market regulations or Standards
NCPC’s New Business Opportunity Resources depletion - Dynamic Economy Restrictive Local Environmental Regulations Market regulations or Standard: – Colombia NCPC Experience: CO2 Footprint CO2 Footprint Supply Chain Colombian Coffee Roasting Company
NCPC’s New Business Opportunity Resources depletion - Dynamic Economy Restrictive Local Environmental Regulations Market regulations or Standard: – Colombia NCPC Experience: Environmental Criteria (LCA) Suppliers Sustainable Public Procurement Project Computers Tiles Vehicles …. ….. …. 25 products
NCPC STRENGHTS - RECP “Plus” Skills in Industrial eng., environmental eng.(process efficiency) Access to SMEs Good relationships with RECP stakeholders: Gov., private sector, academy RECP Network Eco-efficiency Env. Performance indicators EMS Energy Efficiency Renewable Energies Climate Change (low carbon, GHG inventories, CDM…)
NCPC STRENGHTS - RECP “Plus” Water efficiency Waste management Sustainable Public Procurement Ecolabels Sustainable financing Green Credit Line Life Cycle Assessment Carbon Footprint Water Footprint
NCPC STRENGHTS - RECP “Plus” Cleaner Technologies Chemicals management Chemical Leasing SAICM Policy advice Corporate Social Responsibility Sustainability Reports
NCPC NEEDS Ecodesign, D4S Market Intelligence Business models Innovation methodology International Markets Access/demand – EcoInnovative Green products.
NCPC NEEDS Green Communication, Green marketing Value chain sustainability, Increased market access, Supplier development Organizational Development
ECO-INNOVATION – NCPC’s Umbrella Strategy NCPC Services – Strengths Opportunity to Improve
RECP & up-scaling- A lot of opportunities + Eco-innovation by UNEP EVEN MORE, with additional and attractive impacts! LET´S MOVE FORWARD! LET´S BE INNOVATIVE!