Strategic Business Plan Insert name of institution
Why do we exist? What is our purpose? What purpose? Mission, Impact
Mission & Vision Mission Please add Vision Please add
Core Values »Value: explanation
Historical: Current Focus Point: Look…Feel…Think: Top 3 Keys: Transformation
…what do we mean by Impact …what impact do we Seek? Intended Impact
Transformational Impact Opportunity International is committed to its primary deployment in the market place to address the financial barriers that limit opportunities for poor people; combined with the intentional efforts to create, enhance or maximize environments necessary for improvements across every dimension of need within a person’s life. [Dignity; Security; Adequate Provision; Hope, Purpose and Meaning; Freedom and Appropriate Boundaries; Authority; Authentic Relationships and Love.] Large-scale Outreach Opportunity International aims to provide access to range of financial products and services for the poorest of the working poor: those with passion and a business dream but without access to mainstream or affordable financial services. In serving those people at the bottom of the financial pyramid, Opportunity International has grown exponentially to well over 1 million active clients from its time of creation, however during that time so has the number of impoverished people across the world grown to estimates of 1 billion people living at the margins of survival on less than US$1 a day, and 2.6 billion—40+ percent of the world’s population—living on less than US$2 a day. As Kofi Anan then UN Secretary general stated in 2000 “…yet even these statistics fails to capture the injustice, indignity, humiliation, powerlessness and brutal hardship that is the daily lot of the world’s poor.” While large scale economic injustice exists, Opportunity International will remain committed to large scale outreach. Financial Viability Opportunity International is committed to financial viability where income from lending operations covers costs, not only on an organizational viability, but on a program-by-program viability as well Triple Bottom Line
… What are you trying to ACHIEVE What do you want that you do not have 2 What are you trying to PRESERVE What do you want that you already have 3 What are you trying to AVOID What do you not have that you do not want 4 What are you trying to ELIMINATE What do you have now that you do not want Impact Analysis … … … Do We Have It No Do We Want It Yes No
Who is our client? What purpose? Markets and clients
Country characteristics Country and economic characteristics »Please explain
Supply Supply of financial services at lower end of the market (competition): »Please provide in detail
Demand Demand for financial services at lower end of the market (potential clients): »Please provide detail
Client Segmentation Client segmentation (s) defined: »Please provide detail Client profile (s) defined within each segment: »Please provide detail
Client Needs Client needs defined per segment: »Please explain How have you determined client needs per segment? »Please explain
…How do we go about realizing our intended impact? - Products - What organizational form Products & Institutional form Products
Key Product Offerings (future) ProductKey product features Client Segmentation Linked Partnerships / Services Level of Impact Low Med High
Product ‘check’ through the transformational lens See notes below!
Dignity Authentic relationships & love Freedom & appropriate boundaries Purpose hope & meaning Adequate provision Authority Security … …. … …. … …. … …. … …. … …. … …. Product ‘check’ Exercise
Institutional Summary YesterdayTodayTomorrow Type of entity Target groups Product(s)
With what? Assets, Resources, Skills, Knowledge, Experience, Networks, Overall Capacity Resources
Top 5 Strategic initiatives
Planning results
Impact – loan projections
Loan projections
Impact – deposit projections
Deposit projections
Leverage & capital adequacy
Internal capacity
Operating efficiency