The Land and People of the Midwest By:Alex Bade
The Land The Midwest is covered with plains and grasslands and has many important lakes and rivers. Part of the Midwest is in Tornado Alley.
Weather Tornado-A tornado is a big swirling air mass. They can reach winds up to 250 m.p.h.! Aquifer-A huge underground collection of water. Prairie-Prairies are huge grasslands that cover most of the Midwest
People Pioneers on the plains could not cut wood to build houses. There were hardly any trees! They used sod instead. Sod is grass that has its roots all tangled together. In 1837 John Deere invented a plow to cut through sod. There are a lot of farmers in this region.
Resources and Industries The main resources are plains,trees,lakes, rivers,and prairies. Some industries are farming,fishing,we used to mine in the Duluth area,making dairy products,and cow,pig,and lamb meat.
State Websites Minnesota Iowa Wisconsin North Dakota South Dakota