The Plains Tribes
The Plains people lived on the Interior Plain between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi River.
Water was the most important resource.
On fields of grass, they hunted the buffalo (bison).
Buffalo was the second most important resource. Buffalo was the main source of food for the Plains people. The meat was eaten cooked or raw. Pemmican was buffalo mixed with berries and buffalo fat.
FARMERS and HUNTERS 1) The Plains tribes shared many customs and all depended on the buffalo. 2) Still there were differences between the tribes. 3) Their ways of life depended on where they lived.
PEOPLE of the CENTRAL PLAINS Tribes: Iowa Missouri Sioux a) Nakota b) Lakota A) These groups were hunters and gathers & farmers. B) They hunted deer, elk, and buffalo. C) They gathered plants. D) They farmed beans, corn and sunflowers. Farming was done in the fertile valleys between the Platte River & Missouri River. These farming groups traded food for other goods.
The Central Plains people lived in houses called lodges. They were large, round earthen houses. Twenty to forty people lived in each lodge. They were built over a fire pit. There was a hole in the roof to let out smoke. Some lodges were covered with sod.
About twice a year, Central Plains tribes took part in a great buffalo hunt.
PEOPLE of the GREAT PLAINS Tribes: Cheyenne Kiowa Crow Wood was scarce on the Plains. Fuel and shelter were made from other materials. Tribes moved from place to place following the buffalo. They could not farm the dry, hard soil. These tribes were nomads (They roamed from place to place.)
Since these tribes were nomads, the built shelters that were easy to move and put together. T E P S
First, wooden poles were set in a circle & tied together at the top.
Next, the poles were covered with buffalo skins.
A hole was left at the top to let out the smoke
The people also used the wooden poles to make a carrier called a travois.
To make a travois, you would tie 2 poles together at 1 end, then fasten it to the harness on a dog. Goods were carried on a buffalo skin tied between the poles.
PLAINS CULTURE Some tribes made their own decisions, but they had to respect the other tribes connected with their group. Other groups lived in smaller tribes, but sent their leaders to meet in a council of chiefs. All tribes had to follow the decisions of the council. Among the Plains people, all people were considered equal. Anyone could become chief ,as long as they were a good warrior and leader.
TRADITIONS & RELIGIOUS BELIEFS Each group had a story of how their people were created. Ceremonies would be held for corn harvest, the buffalo hunts, naming a child, marriages, and a ceremony to keep the buffalo strong.
CALENDAR ROBES Many Plains people kept track of their history by writing symbols on the hide of a buffalo. The leaders would decide each year what events were recorded.
People of the Central Plains People of the Great Plains While they all depended on the buffalo, there were differences between the Plains people depending on what part of the plains they lived in. People of the Central Plains Hunters, gatherers, farmers Hunted deer, elk, buffalo Grew beans, corn, sunflowers Lived in lodges Great buffalo hunt 2X a year Smaller tribes made their own choices, but respected each other People of the Great Plains Nomads: followed the buffalo Tepees were their shelters Used travois to carry belongings Tribes were independent, but leaders would meet at a council Council made decisions everyone followed