Environmental Pedology Field Assignment Spring 2010 Kamaljit Banger GCREC Wimauma GCREC Wimauma, Florida
GCREC Wimauma GCREC is located in Hillsborough County. Agricultural crops include tomato, strawberries, and peppers Mean annual temperature: C Mean annual precipitation: cm
Site Locations A B
Site A Nearby Row crops Pasture/Sod Vegetation: Bahia grass (Paspalum notatum) Bermuda grass (Cynodon spp.) Upland Slope : 0-2% Close to the road
Soil A from Web Soil Survey
Soil A Ap: 0 to 7 inches, 7.5 YR 5/1, sand, single grained, very friable B:7 to 20 inches, 10 YR 3/1, fine sand, single grained, friable E: 21 to 48 inches, 10 YR 8/6, sand, single grained, very friable Ap B E
Interpretations Soil Properties Infiltration rate: high Hydraulic conductivity: high Available water content: very low Seasonal water table depth: cm Limitations: 2:3:1 Site Characteristics Position : Upland Soil slope: level Surface runoff: very slow Erosion potential: low Epipedon: Ochric Sub-surface: Spodic Order: Spodosols
Soil B Pasture/Sod Close to the wetlands Position of the site: Upland Slope: 2-6%
Soil B from Web Soil Survey
Soil B Ap Bh Bw E Ap: 0 to 8 inches, 10 YR 4/1, sand, single grained, very friable, high root biomass Bh: 9 to 14 inches, 10 YR 3/3, fine sand, single grained, friable Bw: 15 to 22 inches, 10 YR 6/5, fine sand, sub-angular blocky, E: 23 to 48 inches, 10YR 8/3, sand, single grained, very friable
Interpretations Soil Properties Infiltration rate: high Hydraulic conductivity: high Available water content: low Seasonal water table depth: cm Limitations: 3:3:2 Site Characteristics Position: Upland Soil slope: 2-6% Surface runoff: slow Erosion potential: low Epipedon: Ochric Sub-surface: Spodic Order: Spodosols
Thank you!