NRTSI/NRC Project Framework for the Assessment of the State, Performance and Management of Canada’s CPI.


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Presentation transcript:

NRTSI/NRC Project Framework for the Assessment of the State, Performance and Management of Canada’s CPI

Objectives of 5-Year Plan (Phase 2) Produce a broad assessment of the performance of Canada’s CPI based on the indicators and measures developed in Phase 1, using currently available data/information. Deliver the projects that will be identified in Phase 1 to improve the state and performance of Canada’s infrastructure. Participate in and endorse the development of performance-based condition assessment tools leading to a performance-based infrastructure management system (work by the NRC).

Phase 1 Project Scope - Components In collaboration with NRC Development of a framework for the assessment of the S/P/M of infrastructure; Development of a 5-year plan to implement the assessment and for projects to improve the S/P/M of infrastructure; Provision of input to the NRC for the development of performance measures; and

State, Performance and Management (S/P/M) of Canada’s Core Public Infrastructure (CPI) Phase I–Framework and 5-year Plan Collaborative Project between NRTSI and NRC Study: literature review of CPI performance indicators/measures and management State of practice: NRTSI State of the art: NRC NRTSI Meeting (50+ participants include: F/P/T, FN, municipalities, industry and professional associations NGOs, academia) Key Outcomes: Selection of indicators and identification of relevant measures Identification of experts for technical and non-technical working groups CPI Performance Measures: Technical Working Group (NRC Lead) Development of physical/technical CPI performance measures Workshop with invited experts on life cycle performance and management  Identification of minimum acceptable levels of performance  Identification of relevant approaches to performance assessment and management NRTSI Meeting (50+ participants include: F/P/T, FN, municipalities, industry and professional associations, NGOs, academia) Discussion and Endorsement: Framework for the assessment of the S/P/M of Canada’s CPI 5-yr plan to implement framework and projects to improve the S/P/M of Canada’s CPI Submission of Framework and 5- year plan to INFC (NRTSI, NRC) Project Starts Mid Feb Mar Start April 2008 Sept Nov (NRTSI–NRC) Develop framework for S/P/M of Canada’s CPI Development of 5-year implementation plan NRTSI Working Groups Asset Management Financing Infrastructure Innovation Small/remote Communities Identification of projects to improve the S/P/M of Canada’s CPI CPI Performance Measures: Non-- Technical Working Group (NRTSI Lead) Development of non-technical CPI performance measures

Role of NRTSI Provide input and guidance on the development of the S/P/M assessment framework Review and endorse the framework and 5-year plan

NRTSI Meetings (1) Meeting 1 – March 2008 Presentations of studies NRTSI: State of practice in Canada for the S/P/M assessment of CPI NRC: State of the art around the world for the S/P/M assessment of CPI Selection of relevant performance indicators and identification of measures Input to NRC (Technical WG) and NRTSI (non-Technical WG) Select NRTSI representatives to the NRC Technical Working Group Select membership of NRTSI non-Technical WG, including NRC representation

NRTSI Meetings (2) Meeting 2 – September 2008 Discussion and endorsement of: S/P/M assessment framework 5-year plan – broad assessment, improvement projects, development of performance based assessment tools

NRTSI Project Components (1) Study: literature review of the state of practice for the S/P/M assessment of CPI Creation of CPI Performance Measures non-technical WG Define measures associated with indicators selected by NRTSI (Meeting 1) Identify sources of data/information/knowledge to do broad assessment Work with NRC to create S/P/M assessment framework and 5-year plan Identify projects to improve the S/P/M of Canada’s CPI

NRTSI deliverables Two meetings of the NRTSI with 50+ participants each Creation of the NRTSI CPI Non-technical Performance Measures working group that will develop non-technical state and performance assessment measures to complement the NRC technical work. A report that will include the following sections: State of practice review for indicators on the state, performance assessment and management of CPI; Non-technical measures that, when added to the technical measures developed by NRC, and integrated with the indicators, produce a comprehensive evaluation framework. Sources of data/information that can be used with the non-technical measures. The NRTSI component of the 5-year plan to conduct the performance assessment based on the framework and proposed project to improve the state and performance of the infrastructure.

NRC Component - Challenges Qualitative performance indicators: subjective “visual” inspection - mainly some non-destructive techniques qualitative (good, fair, poor) arbitrary definition of limit states/ minimum performance criteria no differentiation between safety-critical and other systems Lack of quantitative information on: residual capacity likelihood of failure safety factor or “health index” remaining life Life Cycle Performance Assessment

NRC Component - Challenges Deficit in: knowledge of state of Canada’s CPI safety of CPI functionality of CPI “true” performance indicators and not “observable damage” “standard” or “model” performance metrics performance-based management appropriate allocation of funding funding levels What is the “true” Deficit?

What do you own? What is the condition/safety? What is the risk of failure? What is the remaining service life? What do you fix first? How do you fix it? NRC: Infrastructure Management

NRC: R&D - Phase 1 Research program will consist of tasks: Review of state-of-the-art in performance assessment and management approaches of CPI Identify appropriate performance metrics Describe appropriate asset inventories Define minimum acceptable levels of performance Assessment of risk of failure Decision support models for performance-based management

NRC: R&D – Phase 1(cont’d) Research program will consist of tasks: Enabling performance measures for integrated asset management Develop survey questionnaire on S/P/M of CPI; Formation of CPI Technical Working Group and organization of a Workshop of experts in the field; Presentation of draft framework to NRTSI, discussion and endorsement at September meeting; and Final report and recommendations.

NRC: CPI Program – Phase 2 Bridges: Chair: NRC Members: TAC, F/PT/M, universities Roads: Chair: NRC Members: TAC, F/PT/M, universities Water: Chair: NRC Members: CWWA,CERIU, NWWBI, F/PT/M, universities Technical Sub-Working Groups Wastewater: Chair: NRC Members: CWWA,NWWBI, CERIU, F/PT/M, universities Environmental Stewardship: Chair: NRC Members: TAC,CWWA,NWWBI, F/PT/M, Environment Canada CPI Technical Working Group Chair: NRC Co-Chair: Infrastructure Canada Members: NRC, NRTSI, McGill, UBC, Ryerson, Waterloo Infrastructure Canada, Statistics Canada, CERIU, Environment Canada, PSAB External Members: FHWA, US EPA, AWWARF French Technical Verification: Chair: NRC Members: CERIU, Quebec universities

Duration of Phase 1 Nine months Start date mid-February 2008 End date of November

Benefits of the 5 Year Project Demonstrate Infrastructure Canada’s (Government of Canada) continued commitment to improve state of Canada’s CPI provinces, territories, municipalities and federal government. Advance the state of knowledge and develop actionable, innovative approaches in the areas of state and performance assessment, and infrastructure management

Benefits of the 5 Year Project Provide objective and validated metrics to decision makers, owners and operators of public infrastructure (F/PT/M) “Model metrics” to ensure: all regions of Canada and levels of government have harmonized assessments senior levels of government can evaluate impact of funding on performance of CPI

Benefits- Phase 1 Short-term benefits: Illustrate benefits of quantitative approaches to measure CPI performance Demonstrate importance of defining acceptable minimum performance levels (failure criteria) Highlight importance of using risk of failure as a performance indicator Establish collaboration between NRTSI and NRC Comprehensive action plan for Infrastructure Canada to initiate phase 2

The NRTSI is the only group in Canada that can mobilise the participation, contribution and engagement of multi-sector, multi-discipline stakeholders in this rigorous process that is supported by a strong science (engineering, economic, social) base. Having served over the past two years as the forum for stakeholders to discuss, identify and initiate work in priority areas to improve Canada’s CPI, the NRTSI is uniquely positioned to ensure relevance and buy-in for the results of this project – key ingredients to success.