WERE THERE BEDS? ARE THEY MADE OF STRAW? Yes. The children’s beds were called trundle beds and the adult’s beds were called jack beds. The trundle beds were kept under the jack beds and they were pulled out of under the jack beds at night and put back under in the morning. They did not have mattresses back then. The jack beds were nailed into the wall. By Cali Willness
How do they make the soil stay. The sod house had mud grass on top and clay to make it stay and fill in the gaps or space. They left a hole for the window. They left a space in the roof for the fireplace. Sometimes the sod house leaked and they had to re-make it. The clay well harden. By Tasha Woodhouse
Inside a sod house.
1) Sod House: It was one of the first types of homes. It was made out of the top layer of grass and roots. Every time it rained the roof leaked. 2) Plank House: It was the next type of house built. This was built after the land was cleared. This was the first permanent home. The roof was made of small trees and saplings. The planks were cut from the trees off the land. 3) Stone House: This was the last type of home built. They used the stones from the field and put wooden shingles on the roof and over the windows to keep out the rain and cold. By Breana Svennes