Recession is Fantastic for Your Business Make this Your Year with FM Group FM Group Business Opportunity
Make this your Year with FM Group REMEMBER THAT SUCCESS IS ABOUT BEING the Right Industry the Right Time 3.with the Right Company 4.and the Right System 5.taking Massive Action FM Group Business Opportunity
There are 5 major Trends that will assist you Lifestyle Self – employment Direct Selling Consumer experience – too much choice Social networks solutionchallenge You have the solution to the challenge FM Group Business Opportunity Make this your Year with FM Group
problemchallenge The problem or challenge that you face is that people in the UK are generally negative, negative sayings have become part of the UK culture How often have you heard this expression? ‘if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is... ’ And sentences that start with the words ‘the problem with [this, that or the other] is.... ! solutionchallenge You have the solution to the challenge right here with FM Group ‘FANTASTIC’ You need to generate positive energy, everything must be ‘FANTASTIC’, not just ‘OK’ or ‘Not too bad’ FM Group Business Opportunity Make this your Year with FM Group
Compare the recession of the Late 1980’s and early 1990’s to today; like then many people are loosing their jobs, being given less hours and so less pay, they are looking for an additional or new source of income; large companies failed and pension funds disappeared overnight Intrapreneurs appeared, fuelled by the likes of Entrepreneurs like Richard Branson [Virgin], Charles Wigoder [Peoples Phone more latterly known as Telecom Plus] and many, many more It is an undeniable fact that Network Marketing Booms in Recession FM Group Business Opportunity Make this your Year with FM Group
AN ENTRAPRENUER AN ENTRAPRENUER – takes the risk for a business venture, the risk is that of failure = rejection By comparison AN INTRAPRENUER AN INTRAPRENUER – is a risk adverse entrepreneur FM Group Business Opportunity Make this your Year with FM Group
‘Recession is Fantastic for your Business’ Remember that earlier I said earlier that ‘Recession is Fantastic for your Business’ What remains of this year will see a flood of Intrapreneurs … new business builders Your job is to promote HOPE, they are buying HOPE and they need to be positive to buy that HOPE FM Group Business Opportunity Make this your Year with FM Group
Intraprenuers have needs, you need to know and understand this They need to have security and feel secure They like ‘jobs’ and professions because they believe[d] them to be secure In new businesses they want systems and support They like franchising because it has a low failure rate FM Group Business Opportunity Make this your Year with FM Group
They want proof of a high probability of success They need to know that they can do it, they need to know they can SUCCEED They need proof of the potential and reality of real money * What you need to know that Intrapreneurs outnumber Entrapreneurs by a factor or 10 to 1 FM Group Business Opportunity Make this your Year with FM Group
THE CHALLENGE How do I attract and develop this flood of entrapreneurs ? * You must understand… that they don't understand the signs * they will be slow to respond, they will be negative, sceptical and scared their attitude will be that our industry is risky, they will confused by unclear messages FM Group Business Opportunity Make this your Year with FM Group
THE CHALLENGE You need to understand that our industry has evolved since establishment and is based on training and coaching that’s why You and I can and will be successful The greatest fear is that of failure You need to know that everyone can succeed and ask them ‘what would you do if you knew you could not fail?’ FM Group Business Opportunity Make this your Year with FM Group
ACHIEVING 100% SUCCESS Left on their own, only 2% of people will succeed in this industry, so 98% need individual coaching of some kind SO... Your job is to help your people learn the skills until they become independent FM Group Business Opportunity Make this your Year with FM Group
ACHIEVING 100% SUCCESS What is needed is DUPLICATION of the system The system has 3 SKILLS, RETAIL, SPONSOR and COACH skills * You must be PRODUCTIVE and remain ACTIVE You must learn skills until COMPETENT because COMPETENCE releases MOTIVATION FOR ACTION FM Group Business Opportunity Make this your Year with FM Group
ACHIEVING FREEDOM You must commit to purposeful practice You must attend trainings like today You must learn key skills You must help your people learn the key skills Remember coaching and practice drive growth FM Group Business Opportunity Make this your Year with FM Group
ACHIEVING FREEDOM - PRACTICE Commit to at least 100 hours of purposeful practice in what remains of this year Practice - face to face * Practice – at distance using our webinars, Skype conferences, live web casts Practice – home workshops with your team Practice – live with prospects *Anytime, anywhere, anyplace... but PRACTICE FM Group Business Opportunity Make this your Year with FM Group
LIFE THOUGHTS TO REMEMBER You asked for STRENGTH... you were given DIFFICULTIES to make you strong You asked for WISDOM... You were given PROBLEMS to resolve You asked for PROSPERITY.. You were given a brain and strength to work FM Group Business Opportunity Make this your Year with FM Group
LIFE THOUGHTS TO REMEMBER You asked for COURAGE... You were given DANGER to overcome You asked for FAVOURS... you were given the FM OPPORTUNITY … embrace and run with it Above all reflect on your life and remember You received NOTHING you wanted BUT received EVERYTHING you needed !! FM Group Business Opportunity Make this your Year with FM Group
Acknowledgements This presentation was brought to you today as part of the FM Be FaMous Team Training Programme with grateful thanks to Ed Ludbrook for his inspiration FM Group Business Opportunity Make this your Year with FM Group