Reading. How much do you know about plants? Skimming Read the passage quickly and try to get the main idea of this passage? Reading.


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Presentation transcript:


How much do you know about plants?

Skimming Read the passage quickly and try to get the main idea of this passage? Reading

Scanning T or F Questions: 1. The plants in our garden grew in China originally. F 2. The American Middle Classes took great interest in collecting new plants during the 18th and 19th centuries. F __________

3. French Catholic missionaries were beginning to set themselves up in China by the middle of the 18th century. 4. After Father d’ Incarville died, some Tree of Heaven seeds were sent to England. F

5.Banks, together with James Cook, collected many examples of plants in Australia. 6. Keeping plants alive during long land or sea voyage was very difficult, which caused the Wardian Case to be invented.

7. Robert Fortune introduced over 120 species of plants to Western Gardens, because he could easily travel everywhere in China. 8. During the second half of the 19th century, many Catholic missionaries were sent to China, and they collected many seeds of plants, which were sent back to France. F

Detailed reading: Try to get the main idea of each paragraph: Para 1:explains when plant collecting began. Para 2: describes when and where plant collecting began on a large scale by Europeans. Para 3: talks about French Catholic missionaries who collected plants in China in the 18 th century.

Para 4: is about the famous British plant collector, Sir Joseph Banks, who collected many new plants in Australia. Para 5: explains the problems of keeping plants alive on long trips. Para 6: describes an experiment carried out by Dr Nathaniel Ward who invented a glass case in which to transport plants on long journeys.

Para 8: is about Father Farges, a French Catholic missionary who collected plants in China in the 19 th century. Para 7:is about Robert Fortune, a British plant collector who made several trips to China in the 19 th century.

Para 9: Describes how many European plant collectors, such as E H Wilson, went to China so that new plants could be introduced to gardens in the West.

Structure : Part I: Para1-2 the beginning of plant collecting Part II: Para3-4 the exploration of plants in the 18th century Part III: Para 5-7 the invention and use of Wardian case Part IV: Para 8-9 the exploration of plants in the 19th centry

Comprehending TimePeople/plantsHistoric Events In 1500 B.C Father d’Incarville sent ships to gather plants, animals and other goods the Queen of Egypt in the 1740s was sent to Beijing

tree of Heaven seeds collected plants in Australia In 1784 the Tree of Heaven tree In 1751 arrived in England In 1769 Sir Joseph Banks was introduced into North America

In 1833 shipped two cases of British Plants to Sydney Robert Fortune During the second half of the 19th century were sent to China from France Nathaniel Ward made several trips to China many Catholic missionaries

Father Farges collected a large quantity of the seeds of the Dove Tree in China In 1897 sent seeds of Dove Tree From China to France In 1899 E H Wilson

Homework 1. Finish off the exercises in the workbook. 2. Learn the text by heart.

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