EDOG Electronic Distribution of General Ledger Data
Why is EDOG important? Keep track of spending Cross-check records Look for anomalies Set budgets for events, etc.
EDOG (Electronic Distribution of General Ledger Data) Go to: Click on the eDog link Log in with your VUnet id and password
EDOG Homepage
Monthly Accounting Reports Select your organization from the “Low- Level Center” box Choose the fiscal year you want to view from the dropdown menu Choose the month (“report period”) you want to view Choose MD90B Center Fund Balance Report from the “Available Reports” box Click Submit
Monthly Accounting Report
In your monthly accounting report, there are two lines you will find helpful—TOTAL FUND BALANCE and STUDENT FEES. The Total Fund Balance is how much money you organization had in its account at the end of that particular reporting period. Student Fees is your AcFee money.
Monthly Accounting Report
Detailed Transaction Data How to access Detailed Transaction Data: Select your organization from the “Low-Level Center” box Choose the fiscal year you want to view from the dropdown menu Choose the month or months (“report period”) you want to view Select “Download to Excel” under “View or Download” Select which columns you want to include in your report Suggested columns to keep: Center #, Account #, Account Name, Effective Date, Posted Journal Amount, Journal ID, Trans Description, Expanded Trans Descr, and Journal Source Click submit
Detailed Transaction Data
Once in excel, the information must be pared down Sort the data by “Account Number” Delete all rows with account numbers that begin with 1, 2, 3, or 9 (They are not relevant for your purposes, they just track movement of funds in the Vanderbilt system)