Sponsored Programs Update ORED Research Seminar Series August 29, 2013
Welcome Jennifer Easley Director, Sponsored Programs Administration Denise Peeples Assistant Controller, Sponsored Programs Accounting
Today’s Agenda General Overview Sponsored Programs Administration Sponsored Programs Accounting Questions??
General Overview
Sponsored Programs Offices Sponsored Programs Administration – Review and Submit proposals – Receive awards – Negotiate and sign awards – Non-fiscal post award issues Sponsored Programs Accounting – Fund set up in Banner – Invoicing – Fiscal functions – Final fiscal reports – Collections
Sponsored Programs Fund Process SP Accounting assigns fund number in Banner and s ‘Fund Notification’ SP Admin s ‘Notice of Award’ and sends originals to SP Accounting SP Admin awards the project in Banner (FRAGRNT) SP Admin negotiates and signs award SP Admin receives award from sponsor SP Admin submits proposal and enters proposal info into Banner (FRAPROP)
Sponsored Programs Administration
How to Contact Sponsored Programs Administration Phone Number: Fax Number: Mail Stop 9564 Location: 133 Etheredge Hall
Sponsored Programs Administration Teams Tina Cunningham, Team Lead – Becky Bassett – Dodie Maynard – Angie Templeton Tina Hood, Team Lead – Matt Capella – Nicole Cobb – TBD
Sponsored Programs Administration Other Staff Penny French – Proposals/Awards, Subaward Unit Lead, Proposal Development LeLe Newell – Proposal Submissions, Award Negotiations, Educational Training Hannah Burnett – Proposal Review, Proposal Development, Award Review Marlene Langford – Reporting, Closeouts Natalie Carpenter – Purchasing, Personnel
System Migration Transition from Coeus to Banner – Award Notifications – Child Funds New form for those not listed on IAS Notification process – GMOAs – Future reporting capabilities – Thanks for your patience!
Proposal Development Assistance with budgets, forms, etc. Contact Jennifer Easley or Penny French / Cayuse 424 – 90-day trial – Target “go-live” date of 10/1/13 – Pilot groups
Other Happenings Website Redesign – Faculty and budget manager focus groups – Ease of use – primary goal D.A.W.G. Program – Increasing support for research – Launched in 2012 – New class to begin in September Fringe & Tuition Rate Changes – Sent on listserv – Website to be updated soon
Sponsored Programs Accounting
How to Contact Sponsored Programs Accounting Phone Number: Fax Number: Mail Stop 9602 Location: McArthur Hall 4 th Floor programs/
Sponsored Programs Accounting Teams: Team 1 Kate Teasler, Senior Accountant – Fund set-up for 30, 35 and 36 funds Whitley Bingham, Accountant - 06 orgs Stephanie Ford, Accountant - 02, 04, 05, 08, 3 & 4 orgs and Subcontract Closeout Candace Sullivan, Staff – New subcontract set-up and review of subcontract invoices
Sponsored Programs Accounting Teams: Team 2 Laura Rowell, Senior Accountant - Fund set-up for 31, 32, 33 and 34 funds Cindy Wall, Accountant , , 03, 19, 18 and 7 orgs Kimberly Dickey, Accountant - 01 orgs (except and ) Jada McMullen, Staff – Processes checks and wire transfers and handles Time and Effort reporting and collections
Process of Fund Set-up Sponsored Programs Accounting sets up the fund number based on the awarding agency. – 3X0000-3X2999 Federal – Federal – 3X3000-3X4999 State and Local – 3X5000-3X % Private – 307XXX, 308XXX, 3091XX Scholarships
Process of Fund Set-up Send to PI and departmental contact Cost share companion fund will be set up to correspond with the sponsor fund. The fund will start with 8 and the last five digits will tie to the sponsor fund. Load sponsor budget and cost share budget into Banner
Indirect Cost Rates Cost Reimbursable Funds – Indirect will be calculated on actual expenditures. Fixed Price Funds – Indirect will be posted for the budgeted amount if all funds are received. See Indirect Cost Rates – Important – Be sure to use the Indirect Rate that corresponds to the activity.
Invoicing Requirements A copy will be sent to the department for their records. Second Notices will be sent after 45 days past due. A copy will be sent to the department for their records. Sponsored Programs Accounting will invoice the sponsor based on the terms in the award.
Cost Share/Match Review contract for cost share requirements. All cost share expenditures must be incurred within the cost share fund. Any cost required to complete the objectives and not covered by the sponsor should be considered cost share. Use Request for Budget Transfer form
Reconciliation and Project Close-Out Reconcile the restricted fund. The monthly reconciliation should be reviewed by the Principle Investigator. Sponsored Programs Accounting will prepare a close- out sheet to ensure that all costs are included in the final invoice to the sponsor. This should be reviewed and signed by the budget manager and the PI. Any charges discovered after the final has been submitted will have to be covered by the department if the sponsor will not accept a revised invoice. If this is discovered after the due date of the final, a revised invoice will not be submitted.
Fixed Price and Residual Balance Policy All direct costs incurred as a result of performing the scope of work must be expensed directly to the project. If there is a residual balance, prior to any transfers, SP Accounting will: ₋Recover waived indirect costs up to the federally negotiated rate based on expenditures. ₋If the residual balance is less than $100, transfer residual to department’s residual fund. ₋If residual balance exceeds $100, send an to the department requesting a Certification of Expenditure form.
Cost Transfers Cost transfer is moving a cost from one fund to another. Cost transfer should be applicable and allowable on the project the expense is being moved to. Cost transfers should be done as timely as possible. Cost transfers done more than 90 days after the date of the expenditure will have to be explained and may not be allowed. If not allowed the charge will have to be covered by departmental funds.
Time and Effort Report Required per OMB Circular A-21 Print twice per year for 12 month employees and three times per year for 9 month employees. If the level of effort is not accurate, then a Job Labor Redistribution Form (JLRF) should be completed and sent to payroll. The Confirmation of Effort report should be changed for each month and a copy of the JLRF attached. Once the Confirmation of Effort is signed, changes to the effort will require a justification and may not be allowed.
Subcontracts If there is an issue with a subcontract invoice or subcontract, bring it to our attention. At completion of the subcontract, the Subcontract Close out form will be required to be signed by the subcontractor and Principal Investigator. Principal Investigator should review and approve subcontract invoices prior to processing.
How to Read the Monthly Ledger Report FWREXDP – Detail ledger report FWGDEXP – Summary ledger report Budget from the award is reflected in the Budget column. The Budgeted Revenue is the amount of the award. The budget for expenditure categories are then listed. The realized column is cumulative through the ending posting period selected. The current month column is the period selected.