3 E.ON GT Fluxy s Sven ska Kraft nät RWE TNG Natio nal Grid IUK Gas- link WIN- GAS Ontras GRT- gaz Energin Gasunie DT DEP Swede gas GRT- gaz DT GTSBBL (C1) Max technical capacity in place (C2) Interruption in place April 2009 in place (C3) Daily commercial firm and interruptible capacity in place (F1) Daily flow / aggregated Allocation in place Oct 2009 April 2009 in place March 2009 in place May 2009 (F2) Daily prompt allocation information in place (F3) Daily aggregate day-ahead nominations in place Oct 2009 April 2009 July 2009 March 2009 Dec 2009 March 2009 No date in place Dec 2009 (F4) Historic gas flow information database in place April 2009 in place May 2009 Number of IPs minus rule IPs TSOs report publishedSpecific date Less than three shippers Not committed to date Not applicable
4 TSOISSUECOMPLETION DATE BBLIT issues delayed expected release date (F1, F4, F3) May 2009 & Dec DEPIT issues (F3)Dec 2009 Energienet.dkIT issues (F3)April 2009 (?) OntrasNew IT system, -3 shipper rule (C2, F1, F3, F4) April 2009 (?) GRTgazShipper consultation (F3)July 2009 Gasunie DTIT issues (F3)Dec 2009 WINGASShipper concerns (F1, F3)October 2009 GRTgaz DTResource constraints (F3)(?) OUTSTANDING ACTIONS
6 NETWORK USERS’ COMMON POSITION Gas Quality Information Information on Capacity availability Gas Flow Information Balancing and Security of Supply Information THE PRIORITIES Why these priorities? EFET Eurogas IFIEC GEODE eurelectric OGP “common position on minimum transparency requirements” 1. Harmonisation of existing information Two proposed workstreams 2. Incremental release of new information
7 Network User Requirement 1.Daily aggregate demand forecast for each balancing zone D-1 at 08:00 Third Package Requirement TSO to publish ex-ante and ex-post supply and demand information based on nominations, forecasts and realised flows Market participants shall provide the TSO with the required information DEMAND INFORMATION BENEFIT SECURITY OF SUPPLY AND REDUCE SYSTEM BALANCING COSTS
8 POSSIBLE INFORMATION? (D1) Day-ahead aggregate demand forecast (D-1) Detail… (D2) Actual aggregate system demand (D+1) Detail… (D3) Historic system demand database Detail… (D4) Annual average demand profile Detail…
9 NATIONAL GRID: DEMAND INFORMATION LDZ Cold Demand - Energy Demand Actual LDZ D+1 National Cold Demand - Energy Demand Forecast Error D-4 Demand Forecast NTS LDZ Cold Demand - Volume Demand Actual LDZ D+6 National Cold Demand - Volume Demand Forecast Error D-3 Demand Forecast NTS Hourly LDZ SND - Energy Demand Actual LDZ DM M+15 National SND - Energy Demand Forecast Error D-2 Demand Actual NTS D+1 LDZ SND - Volume Demand Actual LDZ NDM M+15 National SND - Volume Demand Forecast NTS D-5 Demand Actual NTS D+6 LDZ Warm Demand - Energy Demand Forecast NTS Cold National Warm Demand - Energy Demand Forecast NTS D-4 Demand Actual Historical LDZ Warm Demand - Volume Demand Forecast NTS SND National Warm Demand - Volume Demand Forecast NTS D-3 Demand Forecast LDZ Demand Forecast NTS Warm Demand Forecast Error D-5 Demand Forecast NTS D-2 *Source: National Grid data dictionary
10 TSO QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONSE GRI CountryTSO Daily aggregate demand forecasts for each balancing zone (D-1 at 08:00) GRI CountryTSO Daily aggregate demand forecasts for each balancing zone (D-1 at 08:00) SWEDEN Swedegas No GERMANY DEP No Svenska Kraftnät No Gasunie DT No E.ON GT No IRELAND Gaslink Yes (in part) † GREAT BRITAIN National Grid Yes (fully) RWE TNG No Interconnector NA WINGAS TRAN. No DENMARK No** Ontras No NETHERLANDS GTS No GdF DT No BBL NAFRANCE GRTgaz Yes (fully) †† BELGIUM Fluxys No
11 BALANCING INFORMATION Network User Requirement 1.Real time information on imbalance charges 2.Linepack information (ex-ante, ex-post, historical) 3.Details of TSO balancing actions (nature, timing, volume and cost information) Third Package Requirement The TSO shall make public measures taken as well as costs incurred and revenue generated to balance the system To enable network users to take timely corrective action, the TSO shall publish sufficient, well-timed and reliable information on the balancing status of network users
12 POSSIBLE INFORMATION? (B1) Physical balancing action report (D+1) Detail… (B2) Market based balancing action report (D+1) Detail… (B3) Physical balancing action alert (D–1) Detail… (B4) Linepack information (D+1) Detail… (B5) Real time information on imbalance charges Detail… MINIMISE INDIVIDUAL SHIPPER AND TOTAL SYSTEM BALANCING COSTS
13 TSO QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONSE TSOP1 P2 Calculation method for imbalance quantity and charges (B1) Imbalance charges per balancing period – real time (B2) Linepack information SW Swedegas NA Svenska Kraftnät Yes (fully) †† NA †† IE Gaslink Yes (fully) NA GB National Grid Yes (fully) Interconnector NA † DK Yes (fully)Yes (in part)*NA NL GTS Yes (fully) NA BBL NA † BE Fluxys Yes (fully) NA DE DEP Yes (fully)Yes (in part)**NA Gasunie DT Yes (fully)Yes (in part)**NA E.ON GT Yes (fully)Yes (in part)**NA RWE TNG Yes (fully)Yes (in part)**NA WINGAS TRAN. Yes (fully)Yes (in part)**NA Ontras Yes (fully)Yes (in part)**NA GdF DT Yes (fully)Yes (in part)**NA FR GRTgaz Yes (fully)Yes (in part)***NA
14 GAS QUALITY INFORMATION Network User Requirement 1.Full specification of gas quality parameters 2.Procedures for dealing with off-specification gas and costs 3.Daily actual measured values of key parameters (D+1) Third Package Requirement Publication of information on gas quality and pressure requirements
15 TSO QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONSES TSOP3 Full specification of gas quality parameters (Q1) Procedures for dealing with off-spec gas and conversion costs (Q2) Daily actual measured values of key parameters at D+3 (Q3) SW Swedegas Yes (in part) Yes (in part) † Svenska Kraftnät NA IE Gaslink Yes (fully) Yes (in part) † GB National Grid Yes (fully) Interconnector Yes (fully) Yes (in part) † DK Yes (fully) Yes (in part) † NL GTS Yes (fully) Yes (in part) †† BE BBL Yes (in part)* No Fluxys Yes (fully) Yes (in part) †† DE DEP No**Yes (in part)No Gasunie DT No**Yes (in part)No E.ON GT No**Yes (in part)No RWE TNG No**Yes (in part)No WINGAS TRAN. No**Yes (in part)No Ontras No**Yes (in part)No GdF DT No**Yes (in part)No FR GRTgaz Yes (fully) Yes (in part) †††
16 TRANSMISSION TRANSPARENCY MEETING 31 MARCH TSO initial proposal 1.Identify different balancing regimes 2.Required information in each regime identified by NRA and network users 3.TSO to commit to project plan to publish information No proposal on demand forecasts No proposal on gas quality Network User concern that proposal will not meet minimum transparency requirements No agreement on way forward
17 GAS STORAGE TRANSPARENCY Network User Requirement 1.Improved transparency Third Package Requirement Each storage system operator shall make public the amount of gas in each storage facility (…) inflows and outflows, and available storage capacity, including for those facilities exempted from third party access (…) at least every day
18 STORAGE TRANSPARENCY MEETING 20 APRIL GRI NW regulators, EFET, Eurogas, GSE, European Commission Project proposal Daily publication information at hub level: –Aggregated storage stocks –Aggregated storage inflows –Aggregated storage outflows Preliminary dates: 1 October November 2009 SUPPORTED BY ALL PRESENT AT THE MEETING
19 Third package – proposed Gas Regulation amendments TIMELINE 18 MONTH INTERIM PERIOD Enter into force summer 2009 Legal requirement 2011 Agree deliverables summer to 18 MONTH IMPLEMENTATION Complete implementation 2011 GRI NW – estimated project implementation timeline Third package: the national regulatory authority shall ensure that all such information is made public
20 CONCLUSION Programme board supported proposal to use GRI NW as platform for early and coordinated implementation of new third package requirements Implementation where there is a clear legal requirement, avoid policy issues like linepack Over to the TSOs to make a sensible recommendation –New third package requirements –Commissions proposed guidelines