1 General Fund Fund Balance History Note: a $47M investment loss was booked entirely to the General Fund in FY08. In FY09, other funds transferred revenue to the General Fund to make up for their shares of the loss.
2 Revenue Overview (Categories & % of Total Collections) 1.Taxes (28.8%) General Fund: Property Taxes, Communications Services Tax Restricted: Surtax, Tourist Development Tax, Fuel Taxes 2.Permits, Fees and Special Assessments (8.9%) General Fund: Franchise Fees Restricted: Fire, Solid Waste & Stormwater Assessments, Impact Fees, Permits 3.Intergovernmental (9.9%) General Fund: Half-Cent Sales Tax, State Revenue Sharing Restricted: State Levied Fuel Taxes, Local 50-cent E911 Charge 4.Charges for Services (43.6%) General Fund: Parks / Library User Charges Restricted: Utility & Solid Waste System Charges, SCAT Charges 5.Judgments, Fines & Forfeitures (0.3%) Various Funds: Primarily collections from courts, Sheriff, libraries, etc. 6.Miscellaneous, Capital Contributions & Interest (8.5%) Various Funds: Primarily interest and investment gains/losses
3 Revenue Forecasting Most major Revenues are forecasted with “Forecast Pro” Comprehensive forecasting and forecast management system Utilizes various statistical models such as Exponential Smoothing, Box- Jenkins, etc.) Utilizes historical data via Microsoft Excel FY13 major revenue collection results: General Fund: Half-Cent Sales Tax= -$189K less than forecasted State Revenue Sharing = $278K more than forecasted Communications Svc’s Tax= $176K more than forecasted FPL Franchise Fees= -$1.3M less than forecasted Non-General Fund: Infrastructure Surtax = $190K more than forecasted Tourist Development Taxes = $927K more than forecasted Gas Taxes = -$740K less than forecasted Total Receipts -$1.0M (or -1.7%) less than forecasted Total Receipts $378K (or 0.6%) more than forecasted