Challenges in Urban Meteorology: A Forum for Users and Providers OFCM Workshop Summaries Lt Col Rob Rizza Assistant Federal Coordinator for USAF/USA Affairs OFCM
Challenges in Urban Meteorology: A Forum for Users and Providers OFCM WORKSHOP 1A SUMMARY How to Improve the Content of Weather Observations to meet Modeling and Operational Needs for Urban Areas More observations may be better but only if used/assimilated intelligently Models need to be robust – must be able to run at any time, 24/7 Need a skillful “data assimilation” system Must understand true use before observational network can be designed Metadata critical to make data useful
Challenges in Urban Meteorology: A Forum for Users and Providers OFCM WORKSHOP 1B SUMMARY Understanding the Needs of Urban Communities and Businesses More collaboration needed Could/should run economic models at same time that we run met models to clearly understand forecast impacts Need to understand how people interpret what meteorologists says Both public and private sector forecasters are affected by the knowledge and/or fear of possible law suits over less than perfect forecasts
Challenges in Urban Meteorology: A Forum for Users and Providers OFCM WORKSHOP 2A SUMMARY Measurement Strategies for the Urban Weather and Climate Domains (sensors, data collection, transmission, archiving, etc.) Strategy for cost effective collection of measurement data for decision makers should focus on things that can be done now A process is needed to determine the amount data and number of sensors needed to make decisions that minimize cost and unique complexity of terrain in every city Users aren’t aware of and therefore not using emergency decision- making information that is available today. Outreach, education, and training mechanisms are needed.
Challenges in Urban Meteorology: A Forum for Users and Providers OFCM WORKSHOP 2A SUMMARY Measurement Strategies for the Urban Weather and Climate Domains (sensors, data collection, transmission, archiving, etc.)…. (Continued): A delivery system for layered GIS information to all public and commercial sectors is needed which may require a change in federal policy We must define a process on how to design a network on an urban scale and address particular decision-making applications (define questions for applications and interact with users)
Challenges in Urban Meteorology: A Forum for Users and Providers OFCM WORKSHOP 2B SUMMARY R&D Needs for Ecosystem Approaches to Urban Health and Environmental Issues Need improved multiscale observations in the urban environment with an emphasis on the vertical observation of the Planetary Boundary Layer. Establish a national database management center that includes self-documenting metadata in standardized formats. To manage within an ecological framework, need to provide for the integration of all types; i.e., social, demographic, economic, etc.
Challenges in Urban Meteorology: A Forum for Users and Providers OFCM WORKSHOP 2B SUMMARY R&D Needs for Ecosystem Approaches to Urban Health and Environmental Issues….(Continued): Need to be able to assimilate remotely sensed surface/building data and aerosol data into the models. Couple atmospheric transport and diffusion model outputs with consequence models addressing health, safety, and other impacts. Develop model verification and validation procedures based on user metrics. Enhance interface with users. Find out what they want and how they operate. Get their feedback during the product development/prototyping process.
Challenges in Urban Meteorology: A Forum for Users and Providers OFCM WORKSHOP 3A SUMMARY Communicating Hazardous Weather Risks in the Urban Environment Need to standardize ways to communicate risk to the public and advise on what actions to take…e.g., terms, colors, probability forecasts, and graphics Research needed to determine terms to use on a national level to communicate basis…work with public and social science to determine best solution Public is mobile…need GIS/GPS coded messages to advise public of potential hazards regardless of location
Challenges in Urban Meteorology: A Forum for Users and Providers OFCM WORKSHOP 3B SUMMARY R&D Resources to Address Deficiencies in Modeling for Urban Weather, ATD, Space Weather, and Climate Applications Need to collect, process, and synthesize data from existing Field Studies Need to pull together and extend with additional parameters, urban data sets that are being developed by cities, government agencies, and others to develop, calibrate, and evaluate urban models Establish standards and guidelines for databases, model output, and performance criteria.
Challenges in Urban Meteorology: A Forum for Users and Providers OFCM WORKSHOP 3B SUMMARY (Continued): R&D Resources to Address Deficiencies in Modeling ….. (Continued): R&D needs should be prioritized based on user needs Transfer from research to operations should be user-based, include collaboration during all phases of the system life- cycle. User should be included early and often. Recognize differences in user communities Collaboration needs to include: leveraging of planned experiments, a clearinghouse for information, and better communications among user communities