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Row 1, Col 1 Countryside, towns Far apart rural
1,2 number of people population
1,3 Medium sized community Located near a city. suburban
1,4 Largest population city
2,1 In a rural community There are tons of ______. farms
2,2 Carrying people, goods From place to place transportation
2,3 Abraham Levitt Built Levittown on an old ______ farm. potato
2,4 Community That is a city. urban
3,1 Bridgewater, Virginia Was settled in what year. 1835
3,2 Bridgewater is different From Levittown- name one way. Bridgewater- rural, Levittown- located outside big city, suburban
3,3 Name two things that culture includes Clothing, holidays, language, dress, Religion
3,4 Tallest office building in US Sears Tower
4,1 Rural landscapes Have many ______ farms
4,2 Rural communities Have a _______ population. low
4,3 Levittown is located In what state New York
4,4 What sporting team won A championship in 2000 In Bridgwater, Virginia?. Little League Baseball
5,1 Where do people In urban communities work? Banks, department stores
5,2 What is train system Called in Chicago? The “EL”
5,3 Chicago is located in what state?. Illinois
5,4 A ______ community Has the highest population urban