Zenger Farm Zenger Farm is a working urban farm that models, promotes and educates about sustainable food systems, environmental stewardship, community development and access to good food for all.
History Zenger family and Mount Scott Dairy Land purchased by BES in 1994 Friends of Zenger Farm established in 1999.
Green Farmhouse Renovation of Zenger Farmhouse completed in 2007 Solar panels for “net zero energy use” Cisterns for drinking water Parking lot and bioswales
Youth Education Over 4-5,000 K- college students visiting Zenger Farm for field trips and summer camp programming.
Field trip programs Zenger Farm's experiential and science based programs teach youth and adults about the importance of food, farming, wetland conservation and environmental stewardship in fostering healthy urban communities. Participants learn that healthy food comes from healthy soil, which can be anywhere - even in the city. Farm Tour Service Learning Critters in the Crops People Need Plants Explore Soils Wetland Ecology
Summer Camps Farm Camp Cooking Camp Harvest Camp Counselor in Training
Community Education Adult workshops on backyard chicken keeping, cheese making, organic gardening, worm composting, cooking and preserving. Public tours every Friday from 4-5pm.
Farm Operations Eight years under 47 th Ave Farm Two years run by Zenger Farm 40K in revenue Farm apprentice team Livestock 800 annual volunteers
Lents International Farmers Market History – Community Food Assessment Providing fresh, affordable, culturally appropriate produce to the diverse Lents community Unique marketing opportunity for immigrant and emerging farmers Food security: food stamp match, cooking demonstrations, free transportation
Healthy Eating on a Budget Simple workshops on shopping for and preparing meals on a limited budget 600 families have participated Workshops defined by participants
Future Paying HEOB program participants Urban Grange Developing a product line
Portland Partners Growing Gardens Portland Community Gardens Janus Youth Portland Fruit Tree Project 47 th Avenue Farm Thousands of backyard gardeners Portland Multnomah Food Policy Council Diggable City/Portland Plan Soil and Water Conservation Districts