GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , Local Risk Assessment – Action plans for safer communities –
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , This presentation Urban risk is increasing The GRIP approach Risk assessment – Damage scenarios Action Plans for DRM based on scenarios Institutionalization of DRM Governance for implementation
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , Urban risk is increasing Cities are growing rapidly… Urban population increases by 180,000 people every day (UN-Habitat) More than 90% of population growth in developing countries takes place in cities One third of the population in developing countries live in informal/illegal settlements (World Bank)
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , Living under risk Explosive growth of urban areas Population of cities in LA will increase by 50% in the next 25 yrs (OFDA) There are not appropriate land-use regulations nor the proper mechanisms to enforce or implement them
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , Living under risk Informal Construction
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , Living under risk Codes are not enforced The professionals are not properly prepared There are not control mechanisms Lack of personnel and resources
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , Living under risk There is no awareness of the risk Due to lack of awareness and information, members of the community increase the risk by making uninformed decisions
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , What we need to understand 1- The present risk is the result of many years of lack of planning –It will take some time to solve (reduce) the problem 2- The reduction of the risk is everybody’s work, not only work for authorities or technical people –The disaster affects everybody –It is a very complex problem –We ALL contribute to increase or decrease the risk The time to start is now!
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , The GRIP Approach Assessment - To understand the problem and its magnitude Planning - To create plans based on the assessment Implementation - To put the plans into practice Institutionalization A long term process with the active participation of all the members of the society
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , The GRIP approach Specific Objective: –To initiate long-term risk management processes in local areas To achieve this, three tasks are set up –Raise awareness, both locally and internationally, of the local risk and the need to reduce it –Incorporate all the sectors of the community in the risk management activities –Set up the conditions for the long-term continuation and institutionalization of risk management activities
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , Main Activities The projects are implemented in months Assessment of the Local Risk Preparation, by local experts, of damage scenarios Preparation of a Plan to reduce Local Risk Using scenarios, development of locally-supported Action Plan Setting up the conditions for implementation Development of local capacities to implement this plan
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , Implementation Plan
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , Risk assessment phase Probable earthquakes –Antofagasta: Magnitude 8.0, Epicentral distance 60 km –Guayaquil: Magnitude 8.0, Epicentral distance 200 km –Tijuana: Magnitude 6.5, Epicentral distance 10 km Methodology –Theoretical estimation Earthquake damage scenario –Interviews with system managers
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , Assessment of a City’s Seismic Risk Vulnerability functions Damage estimates Wooden and mixed structures MMI Intensity Tipo A Tipo B Tipo C Tipo D
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , Community’s participation in assessment Tijuana: Health sector Zigong: Public order Interviews with the people in charge of the city systems
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , Examples of estimated impact Damage to Buildings in Tijuana
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , Example of Human Impact Displaced people in Tijuana Estimation based on damage to buildings People in destroyed buildings + 1/3 people in severely damaged buildings TOTAL:
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , Community’s participation in assessment Scenario Workshops Representatives of all the sectors of the society understand discuss improve the risk assessment Guayaquil (67 people) Tijuana (50 people)
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , Risk Management Planning Generate ideas, based on the assessment, of activities that, if implemented, will reduce the city’s risk Work with all related institutions and people to delineate those activities and prepare an Action Plan Present the Action Plan to representatives of all sectors for them to: understand discuss adopt the Plan
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , Community’s participation in planning Action Plan Workshop in Antofagasta, Chile Action Plan for Guayaquil, Ecuador
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , Institutionalization Engaging all the sectors of the community A well representative Local Advisory Committee Well attended Workshops Informing the community about the project Effective collaboration with mass media Developing legal and financial frameworks Integration in Municipal budgets, incorporation of Industry, financial sector (banks, insurance) Creating or strengthening RM institutions
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , Informing the community AntofagastaGuayaquil
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , Developing financial frameworks Line e = Investing $15 Millon in 25 years DRM Investment Strategy for Tijuana
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , Organigram
GRIP - Global Risk Identification Programme, UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, , Building and protecting the future is today’s work Thank you!!