EFQM Excellence Model & Levels of Excellence Learning Edge - July 05
Agenda The EFQM Model reflected in Levels of Excellence Examples of improving results/performance from R4E projects Examples of improving results/performance from C2E
EQA Recognised for Excellence Committed to Excellence Based on the full EFQM model 75 page submission in English Team of International Assessors Consensus and full Site Visit Enhanced Feedback Recognition at around 600+ points Based on the full EFQM Model 50 page structured submission in the local language or via workshop approach Assessors Consensus and basic Site Visit Feedback Report at criteria level Recognition at 400+ points Based on the 9 criteria of the EFQM Model 12 page SA summary + improvement plan Two stage process, assessment and site visit Supported by one Validator Recognition based on implementation of an improvement plan (no points) EFQM Levels of Excellence Overview
Main Objectives of the scheme Provide clear milestones on the journey to Excellence Maximise the number of organisations applying the fundamental concepts & principles of the EFQM Excellence Model Provide practical products and services that help organisations improve Provide consistent, European-wide recognition delivered by EFQM & its National Partners
Common features of all Levels 1. Based on feedback 2. Delivered to a common standard AND…
Common features of all Levels 3. Based on the Model & RADAR
The Model + R4E The EFQM Excellence Model is reflected in the Recognised for Excellence process as follows: Assessment against the 32 criterion parts + RADAR Written feedback against the 9 criterion parts Must score above 400 points after a site visit to be successful
Examples of R4E Improving results/performance 1 Public Sector Organisation - UK: Our assessment was good for Key Performance Indicators but low for others Assessment showed that although highly focused on all Stakeholders in our approaches, measurement was not being undertaken to reinforce this Measuring in all areas and getting good feedback will help us with our image and ensure we are focusing on the right areas for stakeholders
Examples of R4E Improving results/performance 2 2. Production Company - Poland: Preparing for the assessment was motivating for our people and that increased satisfaction, which in turn has an impact on production The process for R4E asks organisations to look at and describe their processes, at the same time he highlighted improvement opportunities for us Achieving R4E increased our standing & prestige in the context of EU integration and as a group of well managed European organisations
Examples of R4E Improving results/performance Telecom Services - Various: Assessment highlighted gaps in Assessment and Review of processes Projects were set up to review performance including benchmarking Improvements in process performance led to improved Key Performance Results
The Model + C2E The EFQM Excellence Model is reflected in the Committed to Excellence process as follows: Assessment against the 9 criterion parts Validation of improvements using RADAR Written feedback for each improvement action All three improvements must pass a profile to be successful
The C2E Process internal Analysis & Action Plan Version 1 12 pages Execution & Follow-up of Action Plan Site visit 1 day Version 2 12 pages 6 – 9 months performance time external
Examples of C2E Improving results/performance 1 Service Company - Spain Action - to develop a set of job specific training plans and evaluation Improvement – understanding the current state and implementing training and development to cover gaps Impact on Results – improved people satisfaction and improved performance because people are better equipped to deliver targets
Examples of C2E Improving results/performance 2 2.Telecoms Company – Czech Republic Action – Develop and deliver a Data Roadshow Improvement – Communicate to the companies people on a wide basis regarding products and services available Impact on Results – improved people satisfaction because they had access to people through the Roadshow they didn’t normally see. Improved Key performance results because of increased sales.
Examples of C2E Improving results/performance 2 3.Government Organisation - Belgium Action – Develop a performance Management System Improvement – Changes in reporting mean quantitative and qualitative measures now required Impact on Results – improvement in business planning leading to improved overall management of the organisation and consequently on performance results
General Benefits of applying the Model through C2E Identification of Organisations strengths and areas for improvement assessed against the most widely used management framework Structured process for identifying, prioritising, documenting and implementing improvement activity Feedback from external Validator on the implementation of the projects Where successful, recognition (logo’s, certificates, database entry and newsletter mention)
General Benefits of applying the Model through R4E External identification/validation of your Organisations strengths, areas for improvement & score profile by fully trained assessors using a proven management framework Written feedback helping you to improve the quality of input to your business planning process Where successful, recognition (logo’s, certificates, database entry & newsletter mention)