PicoTRAIN IC-10000 Only oscillator (no MOPA design) more simplicity and reliability Dimensions: 480*200*101.6mm3 ongoing volume production High stability for OEM integration: optimized misalignment sensitivity 50 g shock tested Finite element analysis (FEA) optimized components and monolithic housing (see lower figure) High Q patented resonator folding technique Integrated pump module “de-rated pump” operation current ca. 90% of nominal current Use of high purity surface components Upper deck for optical cavity, lower deck for electronics
picoTRAIN IC-10000 – look inside – confidential Massive monolithic aluminum housing machined from one block No plastic, cables and electronics inside optical cavity (upper deck) no out gassing External fast photo diode in blue end cap Optional: Electrical shutter for SH and IR in blue end cap Optional: attenuator of SH and IR Optical feed through for power measurement SH and IR, input beam to lower deck Optional: sealed of SHG box Industrial mirror mounts FEA optimized with minimized degrees of freedom Laser crystal holder improved User replaceable diode pump module (URDM) Massive cooled optics mount with for semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM) Optional: Automatic constant power control with piezo actuators or manual alignment
picoTRAIN IC-10000 – 3d view Housing view from the rear with controller and water connections Monolithic design for easy system integration View into open lower deck showing electronics. Lower deck contains electronics, upper deck contains optical resonator
picoTRAIN IC-10000 – benefits Customer Benefits of picoTRAIN IC-10000 Scalable concept for future requirements of higher power or different parameters Design goal: 12 months maintenance interval, 5 year life time High temporal and spatial stability Long Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) Ongoing volume production Easy service and maintenance Facilitated system integration RS485 Bus GUI „all-in-one-electronics” 19” rack including chiller, 8 height units extended functionality and operation safety
picoEMERALD – all-in-one CARS source remote controlled, truly hands-free one-box CARS light source two tunable ultrafast laser pulse trains high power (typically 10W) picosecond oscillator, a frequency doubling to 532 nm and a synchronously pumped OPO in a single housing optical modules were optimized by finite element analyses and mechanical stability algorithms (misalignment stability optimization) to exhibit maximum passive stability active resonator control of the high power picosecond oscillator and the OPO. three fully automated temporally and spatially overlapping ultrafast pulse trains: 1064 nm out of the laser oscillator 690 nm to 990 nm (signal range) 1150 nm to 2300 nm (idler range) Cooperation of High Q Laser and APE