Intensive Course Human Resources Development Management Developing HRD Strategic Plan as the basis of the yearly work program Delivered by :Dr.Ir.J.F.X.Susanto.S.MBA.,MM
What are the HRD aspects that need to be included in developing Company Strategic Plan
3 Forewords Setiap tahun perusahaan membuat Business Strategic Plan yang biasanya dilakukan oleh President Director. Dia memerlukan masukan dari semua Executives-nya, termasuk juga dari HRD Manager. Setiap HRD Manager perlu mengerti bagaimana membuat membuat Business Strategic Plan bagi HRD Dept. sebagai masukan kepada PD/CEO. Training ini memberikan arahan kepada para praktisi MSDM dalam mempersiapkan work progam tahunan yang selalu dilakukan oleh para Manager.
4 Overview 1.Annual Business Plan, to be submitted to the Board of Commissioner. 2.Containing the 7 Ms (Man, Money, Material, Machine, Method, Market & Measurement). 3.Compiled by CEO / President Director for submission to the Board of Commissioners. 4.Based on the proceeding year, presented by all departments in the organization. 5.The strategic plan will contain at least : Vision & Mission Goal and objectives (target) Strategies 6.HRD Manager will have to take initiatives in producing the business plan.
5 Use the 6 functions of HRD Management 1.Employment 2.Salary & Compensation 3.Industrial Relations 4.Training & Development 5.Government Relations 6.Employee Benefits & Facilities
6 HRD Department’s Goal To develop and maintain a motivated team of high quality people working in an environment that fosters accomplishment, responsibility, creativity, mutual respect and personal development in an integrated and clearly articulated manner towards a common goal. –Mengembangkan dan membina team kerja yang terdiri dari para karyawan berkualitas dalam lingkungan kerja yang mendukung keberhasilan, tanggung jawab, kreatifitas, saling menghargai dan pengembangan karyawan secara terintegrasi dengan sikap yang terbentuk secara jelas menuju sasaran perusahaan.
7 Objectives To attract, motivate and retain the quality of employees needed. To ensure that working environment is conducive to the dynamic of the organization. To ensure the organisation is staffed with the knowledge skills and value required to achieve the company’s mission.
8 Strategies in Employment Develop and maintain succession plan in line with career path and dynamic of the organization. Establish and maintain effective recruitment and termination policies. Introduce a fully comprehensive company policy and procedure manual.
9 Strategies in Salary & Compensation Administration Undertake regular human resources audits to identify strengths and weaknesses. Improve and maintain performance appraisal system for all levels. Develop and maintain a contribution based long term incentive plan that will benefit the shareholders and the employees. Establish a salary and benefit policy to be competitive with the industry.
10 Strategies in Industrial Relations Develop an effective human resource organization, effective labor and industrial relations. Develop, maintain and commit resources for training and development at all levels. Develop and maintain an integrated and effective collective labor agreement. Establish and deploy the Bipartite Body (Lembaga Kerja Sama Bipartit). Develop in house company communication newsletter.
11 Strategies in Training & Development Develop and maintain manpower planning and tracking career progress of potential personnel. Further develop to management trainee scheme. Develop, maintain and commit resources for an incentive scheme based on contribution to induce creativity and innovation. Conduct employee training program to broaden their knowledge and involvement to support our corporate objectives.
12 Strategies in Government Relations Ensure that company is in line with the prevailing government rules and regulations. Ensure government manufacturing (operating) licences reflect company growth. Develop a positive and productive relationship with the government institutions, regulatory bodies, media, producers and consumers associations in order to influence laws and regulations affecting the corporate business.
13 Strategies in Employee Benefits & Facilities Improve and maintain effective security and safety policies conducive to an efficient and harmonious working environment. Develop and and obtain legal body of existing workers cooperative. Undertake specific social activities that contribute to the community within available company resources.
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