1 Regional innovation strategies for smart specialisation: RIS 3 Luisa Sanches Polcy analyst, innovation European Commission, DG REGIO Thematic Coordination and Innovation Workshop 11A22 Cultural and creative industries: innovation strategies for smart specialisation
2 Smart Specialisation Knowledge for Growth expert group (DG RTD) launched concept in the framework of ERA; Problem: fragmentation/imitation/duplication of public R&D investments; Stresses role for all regions in the knowledge economy, if they can identify comparative advantages. Challenges: Smart specialisation has to embrace the concept of open innovation, not only investment in (basic) research. Most advanced regions invest in the invention of general purpose technologies, others invest in the co-invention of applications of the generic technology in one or several important domains of the regional economy Dominique Foray 2010
3 Why S 3 ? Making (hard) choices and defining a regional vision: Defining where regions wants to go in terms of competitiveness through innovation. Focusing minds, efforts and (scarce) public resources on the development of a limited number of thematic or (cross) sectoral innovation priorities in each region. Identify factors of competitiveness (critical mass) and bottlenecks, support key enabling technologies, and concentrate resources on key priorities – shaking mentalities Some are already doing this but you need always to improve… Others have to kick-start…. An entrepreneurial and dynamic process of discovery, based on strategic intelligence, interaction and policy learning D. Foray
4 = evidence-based: all assets = no top-down decision, but dynamic/entrepreneurial discovery process inv. key stakeholders = global perspective on potential competitive advantage & potential for cooperation = source-in knowledge, & technologies etc. rather than re-inventing the wheel = priority setting in times of scarce resources = getting better / excel with something specific = focus investments on regional comparative advantage = accumulation of critical mass = not necessarily focus on a single sector, but cross- fertilisations What is Smart Specialisation ?
5 What is it about? Smart specialisation is not about specialisation but about specialised technological diversification Philippe McCann* and Raquel Ortega-Argilés**
6 New types of specialisation emerging from existing competences Denmark 6 Mapping of Mega-Clusters in Denmark (FORA)
7 How is the EU Regional Policy supporting cultural activities? 6 billion allocated by Member States of which: 2.9 billion for protection and preservation of cultural heritage 2.2 billion for the development of cultural infrastructure, 797 million for assistance to improve cultural services. And in the future?
8 Cultural and creative industries have a role to play in creating high-skilled jobs in Europe New products and services can be developed by anyone, not only scientists Europe, in its modern 27-nation form, provides a natural laboratory for the new kind of collaborative innovation These days, big companies destroy jobs to become more productive. Young companies by contrast are the engines of job creation Public bodies need to be agile, open and fluent in the ways and means of collaboration Anthony Williams, the Lisbon Council, 2010
9 ERDF Investment priorities (Art. 5) 1). Strengthening research, technological development and innovation: enhancing research and innovation infrastructure (R&I) and capacities to develop R&I excellence and promoting centres of competence, in particular those of European interest; promoting business R&I investment, technology transfer, social innovation, clusters and open innovation in SMEs through smart specialisation; supporting technological and applied research, pilot lines, early product validation actions, and advanced manufacturing capabilities in Key Enabling Technologies and diffusion of common rules purpose technologies; 2). Enhancing accessibility to and use and quality of ICT: extending broadband deployment and the roll-out of high-speed networks ; developing ICT products and services, e-commerce and enhancing demand for ICT; strengthening ICT applications for e-government, e-learning, e-inclusion and e-health; 3). Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs: promoting entrepreneurship, in particular by facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas and fostering the creation of new firms; developing new business models for SMEs in particular for internationalisation; In more developed and transition regions, at least 80% of ERDF resources at national level should be allocated to energy efficiency and renewables, innovation and SME support. This amount is foreseen at 50% in less developed regions.
10 Thematic ex-ante conditionalities (1) Thematic objectivesEx ante conditionalityCriteria for fulfilment 1. Strengthening research, technological development and innovation (R&D target) (referred to in Article 9(1) ) 1.1. Research and innovation: The existence of a national or regional research and innovation strategy for smart specialisation in line with the National Reform Program, to leverage private research and innovation expenditure, which complies with the features of well-performing national or regional research and innovation systems. –A national or regional research and innovation strategy for smart specialisation is in place that: –is based on a SWOT analysis to concentrate resources on a limited set of research and innovation priorities; –outlines measures to stimulate private RTD investment; –contains a monitoring and review system. –A Member State has adopted a framework outlining available budgetary resources for research and innovation; –A Member State has adopted a multi-annual plan for budgeting and prioritization of investments linked to EU priorities (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures -ESFRI).
12 Who runs the S 3 Platform? The platform is run by a steering team gathering representatives of several Commission Services: REGIO, EMPL, RTD, ENTR, EAC, INFSO, SANCO, CLIMA and the JRC. The steering group started its activity in January to prepare the list of actions and launching of the Platform and meets regularly every month. A mirror group was set up: for advise and follow-up High-level experts, representatives of Networks and bodies (e.g. EURADA, ERRIN, UEAPME, EBN, OECD, European Cluster Observatory, European Cluster Alliance, etc.) It will meet very three months.
13 Areas of Work By the end of 2011: 11 permanent staff in the Platform with highly qualified staff with academic and practical experience in this field. Development of the website: registration of the regions The guide innovation strategies for smart specialisation OECD TIP group and contract Working groups for regions (several countries) Training events for regions Open Days, Conferences, Work Shops
14 Guide innovation strategies for smart specialisation RIS 3 1.Smart specialisation: The policy rationale 2.The process: Developing the Governance bodies 3.The practical steps to design a RIS3 strategy 4.Peer review and monitoring of the strategies 5.Horizontal issues in RIS³: the branches 6.Case studies
15 Horizontal issues in RIS³: the branches Green Growth: only sustainable is smart – Eco-innovation & Energy efficiency Digital agenda: enabling knowledge flows throughout the territory –connected regions Clusters for regional growth: business ecologies that drive innovation Innovation-friendly business environments for SMEs: good jobs in internationally competitive firms Social Innovation: new organisational forms to tackle societal challenges Stronger focus on financial engineering: not only grants Lifelong Learning in research and innovation: support knowledge triangle (KICs) and university-enterprise cooperation Key Enabling Technologies: systemic potential to induce structural change Research infrastructure/centres of competence: support to ESFRI and EU wide diffusion of leading edge R&D results Creativity and cultural industries: innovation beyond technology and outside manufacturing Public Procurement for market pull: pre-competitive PP to open new innovation friendly market niches
16 How to join? Go to the website and: Designate the department/body and persons that will be responsible for the work on smart specialisation strategies; Send a chart/diagram illustrating the bodies and responsibilities regarding the drafting and coordination of innovation strategies including names and contacts (in this diagram the national/regional coordination should be clarified if relevant for the country); Develop a portal or webpage in the relevant department/body to communicate with the region and link to the S3 portal; Use SF technical assistance or other financial resources available for these actions
17 Contact us / Register